I havent read a yaoi in so long! I am feeling great! No side effects at all! -i say as i pet my cat continuously even though she is trying to get away- NONE AT ALL -i say as tears stream down my face- oh my? You hear that? Thats the sound of bulldozers cleaning up the sin -actually my heart breaking piece by piece- .....haha...ha..... Isnt a wonderful day? -i unconsciously hold up a sign: END MY SUFFERING-
I havent read a yaoi in so long! I am feeling great! No side effects at all! -i say as i pet my cat continuously even though she is trying to get away- NONE AT ALL -i say as tears stream down my face- oh my? You hear that? Thats the sound of bulldozers cleaning up the sin -actually my heart breaking piece by piece- .....haha...ha..... Isnt a wonderful day? -i unconsciously hold up a sign: END MY SUFFERING-