I love this manga! The bittersweet ending is so sad, yet so satisfying! But, I have one question about the plot. Okay, so Ion wanted to destroy the world because he didn't like the idea (system) of life and death?
He wanted to make the whole world demonic, so that no one would have to die again? Or am I missing something?
He wanted to destroy the barriere between humans' world & demons' world, that's why he wanted to destroy Pandæmonium (their home) to be free at last
NO Ion is trying to kill everyone on the planet and start a new world where there is only demonic beings meaning anyone not supernatural is a goner.
I love this manga! The bittersweet ending is so sad, yet so satisfying! But, I have one question about the plot. Okay, so Ion wanted to destroy the world because he didn't like the idea (system) of life and death?