What i think is going on

JustAYaoiFangirl June 21, 2017 7:49 pm

In my opinion, they had some kind of a relationship, either friends with a slightly sexual relationship or boyfriends that never confessed to each other. This caused a misunderstanding between the two of them as one of them thought they were dating and the other one that they were just friends. The one who thought that they were just friends was the kidnapper and the one who thought they were dating/sex friends is the uke.

The uke proably did it with the kidnapper (forced himself on him) in the warehouse as a teenager since we can see that he is all over the other guy in the flash backs. Then they stopped being friends and the uke felt so bad about it and regret it so much that he erased it from his memory. The kidnapper was depressed and felt betrayed so he ripped out multiple pages out of the book where he wrote of the uke as his friend. During the years this memory stayed in his head which made him change from a sweet, shy, cute boy into a cold, cruel, sociopath. The uke remember about this event and hated the uke for it but inside his heart he was actually in love with him and didn't realise it. The fact that he remembered how the wearhouse looked shows us that this memory is forever stuck in his head since this is where the rape happened.

This is just my little theory. I haven't read ahead so im not sure. Im unsure about the details but I'm sure about the rape thing and the staying in his memory thing for the kidnapper.

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ June 21, 2017 7:57 pm


    FOOD_YAOI_IS_LIFE June 21, 2017 8:42 pm
    https://gyazo.com/7ad9b2e357aea8523b3344560a0f3bd0 ThylakoidMembrane

    (≧∀≦) lmao

    JustAYaoiFangirl June 21, 2017 8:54 pm
    https://gyazo.com/7ad9b2e357aea8523b3344560a0f3bd0 ThylakoidMembrane

    I guess it was foolish of me to think that someone under the age of 12 could read 3 paragraphs. I'm so sorry for thinking that you're intelligent enough, passionate enough about the topic and know how to read so you could read just 3 paragraphs.

    If you still don't get this let me make it simpler to you. If you're too lazy to read 3 paragraphs then you're lazier and less smart than a child. (Btw i'm not mad, I knew you were joking because you used a meme, I just need something to distract me from doing my h/w because I'm lazy)

    ThylakoidMembrane June 23, 2017 11:58 pm
    I guess it was foolish of me to think that someone under the age of 12 could read 3 paragraphs. I'm so sorry for thinking that you're intelligent enough, passionate enough about the topic and know how to read s... JustAYaoiFangirl

    oh nice i do the same thing too kinda but not really my roasts are actually good

    JustAYaoiFangirl June 24, 2017 5:45 pm
    oh nice i do the same thing too kinda but not really my roasts are actually good ThylakoidMembrane

    That's not what I or anyone would call a roast. If I was actually trying to roast you then I would start talking about your face or the fact that like any individual on this website (including me LOL) you have no life and spend all your time on this.

    JustAYaoiFangirl June 24, 2017 5:49 pm

    Update: The new chapter made me change my view. I don't think it was forced sex. If they did have sex it was consensual. However, the uke (who was the seme at the time) just did not give a fuck after the kidnapper got injured somehow. Honestly, I don't think the injury was caused by the uke since the kidnapper wasn't mad at all after the injury. I really enjoyed the new chapter. I would write more but I got a lot of exams and not a lot of time.

    ThylakoidMembrane June 27, 2017 8:44 pm
    That's not what I or anyone would call a roast. If I was actually trying to roast you then I would start talking about your face or the fact that like any individual on this website (including me LOL) you have ... JustAYaoiFangirl

    i actually spend all my time on league of legends and you don't even kno what my face looks like you can't roast me on that like ??? lmao

    JustAYaoiFangirl June 28, 2017 5:33 am
    i actually spend all my time on league of legends and you don't even kno what my face looks like you can't roast me on that like ??? lmao ThylakoidMembrane

    The fact that you won't use it for your profile picture tells me more than I need to know. Additionally, you think that whatever thing you use as a profile picture is acceptable but for some reason, your face is not good enough tells me that you probably look worse than a failed abortion. It won't be so hard considering that I can just take a short look at your profile.

    ThylakoidMembrane July 17, 2017 6:12 pm

    brooo you're so heated lmao i can't stop laughing, wym "take a look at my profile" i don't have anything on here its not even my real account lul

    JustAYaoiFangirl July 17, 2017 7:55 pm
    brooo you're so heated lmao i can't stop laughing, wym "take a look at my profile" i don't have anything on here its not even my real account lul ThylakoidMembrane

    That reply took ages. I guess it must have taken you ages to think of something to write, you know I don't mind waiting an extra month if you manage to figure out where to put a full stop and a capital letter.

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ July 18, 2017 6:30 am

    xD im sorry from interrupting but the canadian seems to be getting roasted by the pole xDD

    ThylakoidMembrane July 25, 2017 7:26 am
    That reply took ages. I guess it must have taken you ages to think of something to write, you know I don't mind waiting an extra month if you manage to figure out where to put a full stop and a capital letter. JustAYaoiFangirl

    awww you were waiting for my reply <3 it took so long cause i never go on this account so sorry honey that i didnt respond sooner but there is more important things in my life than some insignificant trash like you

    JustAYaoiFangirl July 26, 2017 10:54 pm
    xD im sorry from interrupting but the canadian seems to be getting roasted by the pole xDD ♥~Zerxz~♥

    Thanks. Btw is it just me or were Canadians supposed to be nice? This one just reminds me of a rejected meme.

    JustAYaoiFangirl July 26, 2017 10:57 pm
    awww you were waiting for my reply <3 it took so long cause i never go on this account so sorry honey that i didnt respond sooner but there is more important things in my life than some insignificant trash l... ThylakoidMembrane

    I wasn't waiting, I forgot that u exist. Also, did you read all that I wrote last time? I don't mind waiting a couple of months if that's how long it takes for your brain to work out where a full stop and a capital letter go.

    Btw am I getting on your nerves? It seems that someone is getting a bit mad.

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ July 27, 2017 6:09 am
    Thanks. Btw is it just me or were Canadians supposed to be nice? This one just reminds me of a rejected meme. JustAYaoiFangirl

    xD OH GOD STAGP. Canadians ARE supposed to be nice but this special snowflake is just retarded.

    JustAYaoiFangirl August 3, 2017 12:15 am
    xD OH GOD STAGP. Canadians ARE supposed to be nice but this special snowflake is just retarded. ♥~Zerxz~♥

    I'm just glad that snowflakes melt and disappear as soon as the winter is gone. We want have to deal with it for so long.

    ♥~Zerxz~♥ August 3, 2017 12:51 pm
    I'm just glad that snowflakes melt and disappear as soon as the winter is gone. We want have to deal with it for so long. JustAYaoiFangirl


    ThylakoidMembrane August 5, 2017 4:15 am

    You keep commenting on my grammar but im an honors student in language arts and i get 90's, why would i waste my time trying to structure a sentence on a manga reading website like ??? i used to be like you when i was 12 i thot it was cool to have good grammar online but really nobody cares lmao imo as long as you can understand me im good my nigga

    A n o n August 5, 2017 4:39 am
    You keep commenting on my grammar but im an honors student in language arts and i get 90's, why would i waste my time trying to structure a sentence on a manga reading website like ??? i used to be like you whe... ThylakoidMembrane

    You, someone who complains about 275 words being too much to read, are a language arts honors student ? It's a shame your school has such low standards.