raw spoilers
I thought it was Dohyun who said he wants to die. His eyes had no light left in them. : (
Sungho, though...dude. You're so terrible at this that it's kind of endearing. But since we know what happened the last time someone tried to hit him over the head with a blunt object, I wouldn't count him out yet. Especially if those guys threaten Dohyun in any way.

I do get confused about which speech bubbles belong to whom, not just this chapter but other chapters too. They don't make it clear at all, do they? What do you hope to happen next? Are those two good or bad guys? If they're good guys, they'll rescue Dohyun and that's the end of the story but if they're bad guys, do you think Sungho is capable of killing them? Or maybe Sungho can escape. Either way, the warehouse's location has been found so the chance of things keep going on there is not very high. Say goodbye to the hot sex

Goodbye to the hot sex?? No, no...there were still supposed to be 5 more items on the list...this can't be happening. Lalala XD
Sungho's breakdown and the strangling felt like a turning point anyway. Sungho may have lost the will to rape Dohyun any more regardless. He's really distressed. I have absolutely no clue where their relationship goes from here (all I can think of is what I don't want, which is it suddenly becoming consensual), but I think there are still a few more highschool flashbacks needed to clear stuff up.
I doubt these are good guys...especially hat dude, hoody dude is kinda cute XD. Dialogue is a little hard to understand, but they were sent by Sungho's boss, right? I think they could easily decide to just get rid of Dohyun if his existence is troublesome to them.

Please no...but I don't think it would go there. One of the things I like about this comic is that the characters other than Sungho actually behave somewhat normally instead of working on yaoi logic. Like Dohyun's high school friends, who are probably not the gang-rapists everyone accused them of being since the very first chapters. So I hope that the boss behaves rationally...although rationally might mean getting rid of Dohyun instead of risking a messy kidnapping investigation that directly involves him.

I do feel terrible for Sungho because he is obviously too crazy to be able to move on and live without Dohyun, but too sane to be able to continue deluding himself. He knows that rape and captivity aren't the same thing as actually being with the one he loves. You could see his heart shattering into pieces as it sinks in that Dohyun would really rather die than spend another moment with him. ;_;

i know that's what i like about this comic too,its very realistic.but i honestly think that if Dohyun does get out of there,then this is nearing the end.
Sengho could actually get up and not be out(as determined as he is on closing that door lol) but i dont think that will happen,i mean these are two guys with weapons and the story wont really be going anywhere if Sengho did manage to get rid of these guys and keep Dohyun hostage.seeing how Dohyun gave up and wants to die,i dont know if he stayed captive,how that will work :/ cause at least before he was thinking of ways to get out and then believed if he played along with Sengho,he will eventually let him go.but now he knows thats not the case,he seems completely beaten.
and i wish Dohyun at least get out of this unscathed,i mean i do pity Sengho sometimes but i cant forget all the shit he put Dohyun through,as it turns out,Dohyun didnt rape Sengho like everybody accused him,he was just a playboy,liked Sengho and had sex with him and then for whatever reason broke up with him.thats normal,it happens with everyone.he doesnt deserve all the shit Sengho is doing.
honestly Sengho is too fucked up in the head,to have a normal relationship with Dohyun,something is clearly wrong with him.

I really do want Dohyun to be free as well, and I agree that it is really hard to imagine the two of them having an actual relationship, but there are still too many plot threads that haven't been answered yet for it to end with this. If Dohyun does escape here, I think he'll meet Sungho again somehow, willingly or not. We still need to see how their high school relationship actually ended and bridge the gap between little and big Sungho. And we need to see some kind of change in Dohyun that suggests he wouldn't just return to his unhappy life, now with additional rape trauma.
I would be worried about a rush ending, except this comic has been extremely well-paced so far, and the arrival of these guys was set in motion many chapters before. So I trust the authors have a plan and will bring a good conclusion...even if it's an unhappy conclusion.

true true,but we have been worrying what will happen to Dohyun but i wonder what will happen to Sengho,i just remembered that these guys were sent specifically after him xD i doubt its just to break in his secret hideout and let Dohyun out,they are gonna do something with him.man this chapter ended on such an intense point,i mean the previous chapter was behavior changing,this one is gonna be fate changing.i cant wait!!
Chapter 34 spoilers
Am I right? When Dohyun woke up, Sungho said he loved him and told him he didn't know what to do anymore and asked Dohyun to kill him. Then the two men came in. Sungho has lost it by now and told them to close the door. They beat him and knocked him out. MF cliffhanger... The series seems to be drawing to a close but I don't want it to end.