Hey, so I'd like to offer more help. I've been following Warehouse for some time, and I'm...

Houdoulou June 19, 2017 4:42 pm

Hey, so I'd like to offer more help.

I've been following Warehouse for some time, and I'm real grateful that you've picked up the translations. But one thing that has irked me is how the translations are either translated too literally or have some bad grammar. Which, I can't blame you, since English appears to be your second language.

So, instead of complaining, I'd like to help be your proofreader and make the translations sound more natural.

    Fantranslator June 19, 2017 10:10 pm

    Yea your right. I'm german, so my english sounds like crap :-) but i do my best and i think you still understand what i'm translating. i have someone, who offered me to proofread. Actually he is reading ch.22. Thank you for asking. But it could be that i'll need your help someday. If you give me your mail, you can help too, if i need it. is that ok for you?

    Lovely Angel 15 January 14, 2019 3:49 am

    Hi. I can help if you haven't found a proofreader for Warehouse yet. Although I am not a native speaker, I am pretty good at English.(planning to major in it too)

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