So I found the whole thing! The smexy pages! But it's in Japanese.... https://myreadingma...

salty shit June 18, 2017 12:46 pm

So I found the whole thing! The smexy pages! But it's in Japanese....

    tian August 30, 2019 9:57 am

    gtfo with that pedo shit

    RabbitholeRaider August 16, 2020 11:48 am
    gtfo with that pedo shit tian

    Dude, if u don't like it kindly gtfo. It's not like we fuck little boys irl 'kay? The point of fiction is it's separate from reality.

    Buy urself some brain cells and stop attacking people.

    hood failure August 17, 2020 5:09 am
    Dude, if u don't like it kindly gtfo. It's not like we fuck little boys irl 'kay? The point of fiction is it's separate from reality.Buy urself some brain cells and stop attacking people. RabbitholeRaider

    nice necropost! anyways fiction is not as separate from reality as you’re claiming. the fiction seems to have an affect on your genitalia just fine

    hood failure August 17, 2020 5:10 am
    Dude, if u don't like it kindly gtfo. It's not like we fuck little boys irl 'kay? The point of fiction is it's separate from reality.Buy urself some brain cells and stop attacking people. RabbitholeRaider

    oh my fucking god it’s a fujoshi of course they’re disgustingwho woulda thought! if sexualizing and objectifying gay people wasn’t enough you have to do it to kids, too? seriously?

    RabbitholeRaider August 17, 2020 3:11 pm

    Yes I'm a fujoshi, and as far as your shitty self claiming me sexualizing people, you piece of rat shit don't even know me. I'm an ally and a part of the LGBTQ+. If I'm going to objectify anyone, it'll be hopeless idiots like you. You're an object; trash to be specific.

    RabbitholeRaider August 17, 2020 3:12 pm

    First of all, how the fuck does fiction even affect your genitalia, you moronic cunt. Look up the def before you open your useless mouth spouting shit your mother will never love you for.

    Do you even know what genitalia is?

    Go get a life or hang yourself, you're wasting oxygen, you sewer water crap.

    RabbitholeRaider August 17, 2020 3:16 pm

    And I checked your page, mutt. You read BL too. What do you think you are huh? You're no better than us, do you hate yourself then? It's okay luv, go get a knife and stab yourself. Nobody needs you in their life. (⌒▽⌒)

    hood failure August 17, 2020 7:56 pm
    And I checked your page, mutt. You read BL too. What do you think you are huh? You're no better than us, do you hate yourself then? It's okay luv, go get a knife and stab yourself. Nobody needs you in their lif... RabbitholeRaider

    ... i’m a guy. it’s impossible for me to be a fujoshi. also, you’re literally MALDING over me speaking the truth and have no argument aside from suicide baiting??? i’m actually fucking laughing. personally for you, i’d recommend learning either a) how to hold a debate or b) shutting the fuck up and stop pretending to be knowledgeable on certain topics. right now you’re parading around like an angry monkey on a tricycle with its diaper full of shit screaming at anyone it sees.
    continuing ...
    1) my mother would definitely love me for being against pedophilia :)
    2) it affects your genitalia due to the reactions to them when you’re getting off to children.
    3) if i’m trash, what does that make you? is there even a term that’s lower than that? LOL

    hood failure August 17, 2020 7:57 pm
    And I checked your page, mutt. You read BL too. What do you think you are huh? You're no better than us, do you hate yourself then? It's okay luv, go get a knife and stab yourself. Nobody needs you in their lif... RabbitholeRaider

    either way get rolled and smoked, retarded bitch ::::}

    RabbitholeRaider August 18, 2020 2:13 pm

    Dear Loser,

    You fucking idiot, shipping doesn't equalize beating the meat to fictional characters. Do you do that? My god, get yourself a 3D person.
    Pedophilia is sexual attraction to bloody children. Can you vouch that these people wanna fuck children? Goddamn no. They're here for the ship, you blind rat. THEY WANT TO SEE A FUCKING PRODUCT THAT TARGETS THE EXACT DEMOGRAPHIC THAT THIS SECTION HAS. Why are you even here, because you don't have a life and just get pleasure from cussing out random people you don't know shit about? Get friends, mingle with smart people, you need it luv.

    My point that you couldn't see, like your tiny-ass dick and brain, is that you're attacking people in a community that's discreet and doesn't hurt anyone. You didn't think who the person behind the screen was and how would they fucking feel with you accusing them of that serious shit. In short, you're a shithead. If you have a fucking point, say it like a normal corversationally adept homo sapien, not like an uneducated swine frothing at the mouth. And don't spin this argument to me, I'm speaking your language, bitch.

    Btw, I'm not suicide baiting, it's an honest advice to mentally and emotionally retarded people like you. I'd call it natural selection, honestly. You went to a fucking YAOI, SHOTA, DOUJINSHI, comment section of a mainly gay love website, what in the bloody fuck was your puny, smooth, brain was expecting?

    Not a fujo? Not the point dumbass, the point you failed to see, like how your Dad missed the hole in that condom when they accidentally conceived you, was you're fucking accusing people of your own crime.

    And yes I'd rather be a mad primate, than be like the disappointment and mistake you are.

    Your Anon Pen Pal