So since the beginning was like pre Endo period and the end is modern times so the Monk is...

reese June 17, 2017 1:25 am

So since the beginning was like pre Endo period and the end is modern times so the Monk is like 400+ years old? I guess sleeping 5 years at a time then is like sleeping 5 hours.. maybe..
Seriously love Haji and I wish there were more things to read from them. The art is wonderful and unique.

    VolcanoFan1 August 18, 2017 9:37 pm

    I'd guessed 450+, but wonder if he might actually be older than that. Haji produces some amazing gems, but like gems, they aren't plentiful. But they're the best, for sure! :) ლ(´ڡ`ლ)