OMG i know theyre awful teachers it reminds me of my highschool days I had shitty teachers that insulted students in front of the whole class, or made fun of their personal situations I really hate them and kind of hate her to 'cause she reminds me of them

Ugh, me too! My algebra teacher in middle school used to make people solve problems on the board in front of everyone, and every time they made a mistake or paused, she made fun of them. Luckily, I was good at algebra, but she was so mean. I wanted to cry for the kids she humiliated in front of everyone. As an adult, I can't believe she got away with it. Nowadays, the fact that everyone can take videos on their phones might change things, though...
Why is that woman a teacher she literally sucks at her job! Who yells out a students personal information in class? And then she sees them getting hurt and does nothing! Actually the male teacher too! Is the entire school faculty shit!