I know right it like yaoi/slash heaven but I still read non yaoi fanfic like family and angst. Like I love khr families and road trip fanfic. I dislike anime girls or girl character not because their romantic with the male lead because their personalities annoy me to no end . There's only couple girl characters that I love but the rest is like (︶︿︶)=凸

I totally am with you on that. Yaoi is my main favorite genre but I still like shounen, mystery, family, slice of life etc. I love reading some non-yaoi fanfics too. I mostly read on http://www.quotev.com
There are a few shoujo manga and anime that I really enjoy, i'm also not a big fan of this genre because the main female protagonists in most annoy the hell out of me. Not to mention the stereotypes and the total unrealism of it.
But here are some of my favorite shoujo manga that are non-stereotypical:
Mori no Takuma-san
Oh! Lord Jesus
Tonari No Kaibutsu-kun
Yajuu Kanojo (this one actually has a shounen-ai story in it)

I read mine on fanfiction, Ao3, and Wattpad like I have so much stories bookmark that I have to go back to read most of them to remember what the plots about or if they even have one pwp (porn without plot).
I'll have to check those out, I need so read so more shoujo but I don't want to read something that going to get me mad like vampire knight that just disappointed me. I have two favorite shojo I'm reading but beware their updates are slow buring like they literally are buring my soul slowly but I can be patient.
Skip beat
They both make me laugh and their personalities don't bug the hell out of me. Their unique and tough but still have flaws that you can kinda relate to on a level. ヾ(☆▽☆)

I 'll have to try that site. Yes, I agree, I also made the mistake of reading Vampire Knight. Yuki is a total B*tch in my opinion for being indecisive and stringing along both guys. And i'm not sure if you read the end (I didn't but my friend spoilt it for me), but it's seriously twisted and majorly pissed me off. #-.-)
I tried reading Skip Beat but the main girl also kind of irritates me. I haven't read Wallflower yet I will definitely check it out.
It's nice when you can relate or understand the characters and their motives.

Walflower you could start with manga and then watch the anime. Here the summary about( Sunako Nakahara who was called ugly by her crush. This incident sparks a life change, and as a result Sunako shuns all forms of beauty, both in herself as well as in life. Concerned by her change for the worst, Sunako's aunt, the owner of a beautiful mansion where four very handsome students live, offers the guys free rent in her mansion if they can turn Sunako into a "perfect lady". While the four of them manage to make Sunako physically beautiful enough to become a lady, the problem lies with her attitude and interests.) She's a horror movie otaku with creepy obsession.ヾ(☆▽☆)

I read up till vol. 11 ch. 42 I will read the rest tomorrow. It's not bad, but I sometimes I don't like the way the guys force Sunako into some things that she hates. Everyone develops at their own pace, but sometimes they just force their opinions on her because of the promise the landlady made to them about the rent. It's kind of not right how they use her to further themselves.
Sunako is not a stereotypical shoujo heroine, which is refreshing and nice. But the other characters and the plot are pretty stereotypical mostly.
It does have a few cliche moments but overall an ok read, it kind of reminds me of Kimi ni Todoke, so if you haven't already read/watched it then please give it a try.
I don't why but he kinda reminds me of Izaya from durarara.