
Honey-senpai June 12, 2017 10:53 pm

When Makio was narrating the whole chapter I didn't quite get it. Can someone help me understand what he was thinking.

    akuma_river June 13, 2017 4:53 am

    Makio realized Wachi had a stalker (his ex) and there was a female swindler interested in Wachi so he used both of them to test Wachi.

    Not so much test him but see how much Wachi loves him. It worked to perfection. The stalker is disheartened and destroyed by having Wachi's bluntness destroy her love. The female swindler learned how much of a dangerous and brunt man Wachi is and lost interest.

    Only, Wachi went overboard and confessed how much he loves Makio with that little bit at the end of the chapter talking of his fear of Makio disappearing from his life because Makio throws his life away.

    Makio felt that fear and love deeply. Which is why even though he won the game (his little trick on everyone) he calls it a draw.

    Rei June 13, 2017 11:02 am
    Makio realized Wachi had a stalker (his ex) and there was a female swindler interested in Wachi so he used both of them to test Wachi.Not so much test him but see how much Wachi loves him. It worked to perfecti... akuma_river

    Omg <3 your response yes very true!! ^_^

    Honey-senpai June 13, 2017 8:02 pm
    Makio realized Wachi had a stalker (his ex) and there was a female swindler interested in Wachi so he used both of them to test Wachi.Not so much test him but see how much Wachi loves him. It worked to perfecti... akuma_river

    Wow thx. Things are much clearer now.