I'm really curious as to why Edwin deliberately chose to cultivate Kyon as a weapon even though he's a servant , he possesses plenty of mixed bloods that he can cultivate as a weapon since mixed bloods are stronger.

The intron has something to do with Lucaon’s parents death , kyon was a former servant in the intron , he attacked Lucaon (either unintentionally or hypnotized that is unclear ) the conclusion is the same Lucaon being near Kyon is dangerous so here is the probable options
1- Kyon is an intentional weapon so he leaves to not hurt Lucaon
2- Lucaon will know Kyon was a former servant and Kyon will know the intron killed the selvior so kyon leaves
well the last chapter declare a lit bit of the probable future events aside from the intron and that talk we will see a drama where Lucaon realize his feelings for Kyon but Kyon start avoiding him and at some points he leaves so we can see them chasing after each other

Maybe because Lucaon saved Kyon when he wad a child. I don't like that Edwin guy and are you sure Kyon is a half blood ?

in chapter 33 when the intron logo show it was just aflush back of his memory , and it show to us in ch 34.

I meant that Edwin possesses a lot of mixed blood servants , Kyon is human or should I say servant (?)
Ch. 1 shows Kyon trying to break his connection through the link but it's not the Intron logo that's currently on Kyon's nape. I wonder how Lucaon's logo managed to show up in place of Intron. & since that's the case.. why would Kyon want to remove it? Or maybe he breaks the Intron link & Lucaon's appears?? The wheels just keep spinning.