
Nanahoo June 9, 2017 10:15 pm

Ok people I need help, I'm sooo confused at who likes who ????? Is hanmi in love her cousin/brother or with gun, and is the hanmis brother in love with hanmi or his girlfriend and what about jua and gun, was that kinda a revenge thing or is he in love with and....and ....and ... Argh I'm sooooooooooo confused (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Nanahoo June 9, 2017 10:17 pm

    Anyone should totally make a picture with the relationships in overview (If you get what I mean)

    やおいはかんぺき June 10, 2017 3:53 am
    Anyone should totally make a picture with the relationships in overview (If you get what I mean) Nanahoo

    We can infer that, Hanmi and Junhyuk had a thing, they are pining for eachother but their relationship is taboo so they just sorta ignore it. Now Hanmi loves Jun, when i say love, i dont think its as much as she loves Junhyuk. Junhyuk obviously is using his girlfriend and they both know it (junhyuk and GF) but i think he is starting to like her because she is such a chill person. And like seonghwa stated, Jua will always be Gun priority while Junhyuk will always be Hanmi's. So despite how much they(Gun and Hanmi) like each other, and how cute it is, it:s not deep enough for them to be each other's number one.
    As for Jua idek, like all the stuff that comes out of his mouth is how much he hates Gun and his revenge, fast forward a bunch of chapters and now he kisses him??? That's another dimension of tsundereness right there. I dont think anyone can give a good answer about Gun and Jua lol

    Im also worried about Seongwha, he did something but we dont know what.. Is it directly related to Jua approaching his bro or is it another fucked up plan we haven't seen the result of.

    Ahh i rambled, hopefully, your question was answered at least, a little.