Lonely To Organdy

moune June 9, 2017 8:25 pm

I've been wanting to read Ogeretsu tanaka's Lonely To Organdy since forever but i'm scared of getting too heart broken to function. Is it really that sad? Is there a right mood to start reading it so the damages are minimal?
Now i'm used to reading tragic staff but i've been pretty emotionally instable lately, i'm scared of getting even more depressed. Would it fuck me up to the point of no return and potentially leave me dead inside?
The comment section for the manga is filled with tears and sadness, it's too intimidating.

    blah June 9, 2017 8:37 pm

    It starts off with a very happy beginning, well it was the first yaoi manga that made me cry but it is very heart warming. Even if you don't cry it still gets really sad to the point your chest starts to hurt... so I won't recommend you reading it now if you are scared of getting more depressed. Just read it when you are a bit more stable but I promise it is a very cute story and you will enjoy reading it when you are a bit more emotionally stable.
    Hope this helped (*^▽^*)

    lemon June 9, 2017 8:47 pm

    I was depressed for days after reading it ç_ç but it's a really beautiful story, so I think it's worth the "pain". But maybe you should wait an happier moment to read it :)

    moune June 9, 2017 8:52 pm

    Thank you for replying ^^ I kind of knew i shouldn't get near it for the time being but my curiosity and love for Ogeretsu-sensei's stories have been getting the best of me lately. It's regrettable that i'll have to postpone reading it but knowing me i'd probably get too depressed to get out of bed and that would be a problem.

    Anonymous June 9, 2017 8:53 pm

    it's a beautiful story but if you are not into this do not read it

    they do not end up together.

    Anonymous June 9, 2017 9:13 pm

    It's sad, if you dig sad shit then read it there are worse stuff. Most of the tears in the comments sections are due to the fact we didn't know it's trag

    Anonymous June 9, 2017 9:46 pm

    If you have died once after reading a sad story shit then I am sure that you can survive this too. Experienced people handle it better than a beginner. You have tasted the death, and your soul will have a reunion after reading this. At least, not as bad as your first time. So yeah, sad fucking shit. Bearable still.

    moune June 9, 2017 10:24 pm

    That is good to hear lol. Fortunately, i've had my tragedy virginity taken already and i have some experience with getting my soul crushed and burned. I'll have to delay my sweet reunion with death though since now isn't a good time.