Plot: two guy have a date, in the middle, they meet couple who sell a game, this couple gay too. Then they go home, the seme play the game which requires him drink some kind poison, then he enter the game, the uke got lonely, then suck up the poisoin by suck up his dick LoL then uke got horny to, so he Change position, he start suck poison from his neck like a vampire , seme struggled, then uke start riding him to stop seme struggle and putting his dick on his own ass ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Plot: two guy have a date, in the middle, they meet couple who sell a game, this couple gay too. Then they go home, the seme play the game which requires him drink some kind poison, then he enter the game, the uke got lonely, then suck up the poisoin by suck up his dick LoL then uke got horny to, so he Change position, he start suck poison from his neck like a vampire , seme struggled, then uke start riding him to stop seme struggle and putting his dick on his own ass ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭