Dammit, stupid pc wwasn't logged in... posted again

pauduchi June 7, 2017 8:32 pm

The fact that the ex was making out with him even though he has a girlfriend and getting married gave me the creeps soooo much, and it wasn't just kissing either he was touching his junk and all. Ugh, I hate cheaters.

Good manga though, a bit cliched (I've read this many times in other manga), I hope it gets better. Looking forward to new chapters, I like this mangaka.

    Anon a tree June 14, 2017 1:17 am

    Bi boys who marry women are the worst in Yaoi. They never seem to marry because they love their wives, just to fit into society and either leave their broken hearted gay lover and/or cheat on their wives.

    pauduchi June 14, 2017 3:21 am
    Bi boys who marry women are the worst in Yaoi. They never seem to marry because they love their wives, just to fit into society and either leave their broken hearted gay lover and/or cheat on their wives. @Anon a tree

    You've said it all. Maybe the fact that it's a troupe so often used is a sign of poor writing.