I'm disgusted. I'm sad. And I'm pissed. Is one shred of kindness too much to ask for? Wor...

Ana -l June 6, 2017 9:50 pm

I'm disgusted.
I'm sad.
And I'm pissed.
Is one shred of kindness too much to ask for? Worst of all I think his god damn grandma set him up!

    Anonymous June 6, 2017 10:09 pm

    Same ikr grandma was probably awake during the first day. Smh.

    hunty June 6, 2017 10:58 pm

    are you sure that he set him up? I thought that she trully believed that he wasn't coming home? Or im just too naive?

    Aki June 6, 2017 11:01 pm
    are you sure that he set him up? I thought that she trully believed that he wasn't coming home? Or im just too naive? hunty

    Too naive! ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
    You could see it in her eyes!

    Jaz June 6, 2017 11:05 pm
    are you sure that he set him up? I thought that she trully believed that he wasn't coming home? Or im just too naive? hunty

    That could be the case. Everything is given from Bum's POV so we do not know if she knew his uncle would be home or if she was aware Bum had been raped. A lot of people assume that she knew but that may not be true.

    nemnem ryuuichi June 6, 2017 11:18 pm
    are you sure that he set him up? I thought that she trully believed that he wasn't coming home? Or im just too naive? hunty

    i think she knew, i mean it was the first time bum slept apart from her and she specifically told him she wanted to sleep alone (that can't be coincidence) in my opinion. also she told him the day before that his uncle could not help hurting him so he should let himself get hurt. and there is no way she could have slept through him crying whilst getting beaten. i think she blames herself for not having given as much attention to the uncle as she did to bums father and now the only one taking care of her is the child she did not take care of so she is making up for it by scheming and turning a blind eye to the abuse and mistreatment of her grandson, thereby redeeming herself of her failure as a mother to the uncle. in tjis process she is loosing her humanity. she may not be able to stand watching the abuse but she sure is able to pretend it is not a big deal or not happening at all.

    what i'm saying is that woman and fucked up, stupid, mentally retarded, psychotic asshole(full stop)

    Anon June 6, 2017 11:27 pm
    i think she knew, i mean it was the first time bum slept apart from her and she specifically told him she wanted to sleep alone (that can't be coincidence) in my opinion. also she told him the day before that h... nemnem ryuuichi

    Ikr. As far as i know, elderly are light sleepers. They usually don't sleep too well because of joint pain and bodyache. They easily wake up to any sound.

    Ana -l June 6, 2017 11:41 pm

    She opened the door calmly after the POS uncle grabbed the bat to beat Bum when he came back after running away bleeding with a knife. Normal people don't do that. The witch knows. Bum had no one.

    hunty June 7, 2017 12:11 am

    Yeeees... I'm too naive! thak you guys for your answers! @nemnem I think your analyse is very close from the truth!

    Tara June 7, 2017 3:56 am

    Yeah, Bum's grandma, I don't like her. She turned a blind eye to Bum. She told Bum to just put up with the shit of his uncle bcoz he is living a sad, sad life. Maybe, like his son, she also holding some resentment toward Bum's parent and Bum for her son to turn into the asshole he is now. All I can say in the panel where she says bum will sleep with his uncle, she looked like she knew a lot than she was letting on.