There is a difference between forced sex and rape as well.
If you get blackmailed, you are given options to choose from. In this case being exposed OR having sex with the stranger. If you choose having sex with a random guy over being exposed you are gay, then you have made the choice. And in my opinion it cannot be so bad for the character if he choses random sex over simply being exposed. The sex is the minor evil for the main character, which is un derstandable based on what we know of japanese parents with gay children.
Either way, as long as you are not threatened with a weapon and/or completely forced into submission (either physically or be being threatened with a weapon/death) by your 'partner' it is NOT rape but forced sex (= partner is unwilling to some extend but will still give in to avoid something like being exposed).

I'm sorry but forced sex is kinda the definition of rape... If someone has to force you to do something it means you are not a willing participant.
If the person is willing from start to finish, without the other party using drugs or any kind of physical or phychological abuse then it is fine, but that was not the case here.
People tend to forget that psichological abuse and manipulation can be as damaging to a person as a gun pointed to their heads and just because YOU don't see it as harmfull doesn't mean it isn't.

Totally agree with you. It's totally clear that he RAPED the guy, he doesn't want to have sex with him, he was forced. The people saying that is not rape just because he doesn't use physical force, are just trying to cover the sun with one finger.
Definition of rape:
"Unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with OR WITHOUT force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim".
He doesn't want it, he was totally scared and desperate trying to protect his secret and the other guy took advantage of it.
So yes, it was rape.

The comments make me facepalm. Let be start by saying forced sex IS by definition rape. And there are many ways rape happens, physical force but sometimes emotional or psychological force (eg blackmail), let me tell you kiddies loud and clear that it is in fact rape, in the legal definition and in the general definition. You're welcome.

And -I- have to facepalm since you guys did not understand the difference I bothered to EXPLAIN. I'm amused about your lack of understanding, really.
Rape and forced sex -are- different. I explained it clearly but still simple enough for everyone to understand. If YOU don't get it even after that explaination, that is not my problem. ^^

No, just no.
Rape is physical abuse of sexual nature (aka penetration as even a dictionary can tell you). Physical or emotional abuse are NOT rape. Stop turning the term rape into a ridiculous 'umbrella/spectrum term' that waters down the actual meaning.
It's people like you that make actual rape victims more and more unbelievable because stupid idiotsa go to the police and cry rape when they only got flirted with.
Thanks for making the world worse, little by little. I'm sure you're proud of yourself. :)

Guys I know you like debating about if this is rape or not and what the exact definition is if rape, and if some of you don't like this manga because of it, then it's totally fine.
(Just as a warning this is gonna be long but I hope you'll take your time to read it and maybe take it with you afterwards :3)
Remember this is a fictional story not to mention yaoi, and we all know what kind of unrealistic universe yaoi is..
Well actually the whole fictional universe in general, was created for people to let their fantasies and mind be free. Because the thing about the fictional stories is that. They're. Not. Real.
There is no rules whatsoever, there is no right or wrong (maybe to a curtain point), nobody is there to judge if you do something wrong because it's. All. Fictional.
Nowadays the topic 'rape' is a vaguely discussed topic, and I also happen to join some of these so-called discussions so I certainly don't disagree or anything.
So I also happen to see a lot of "that's rape" comments (shortned down ofc) and it doesn't bother me that much really but some of them are maybe a little bit.. uneeded. Ofc everyone is free to speak their mind and I'm not planning to stop them from doing that.
But just letting it be and admitting that this isn't a real life scenario, wouldn't do any harm because it's all *whispers*
(〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜

I don't think you actually understood what the anonymous comment was saying, it didn't meant that psychological abuse is rape because of course it isn't! Psychological abuse is another problem on its own.
What the commenter meant (or at least what I'm pretty sure they meant) was that people aren't always submitted by force when they are raped, they can be submitted by other means like fear and that the absence of physical violence to submitt a person before the rape, doens't make it any less rape.

I know rape will always be quite controversial, especially in the yaoi community, and I know some people have rape fantasies, I respect that, that's their bussiness.
Is yaoi fiction? Yes. I know it is not "real life rape" however, I think it is important to call things by their own name. For example, if we are reading about a murder then we call it a murder, not "falling asleep forever" or something like that. Is it is a REAL murder? no, because it is fiction not real life, but it still is a murder that happened in fiction.
So, in this case is it REAL rape? No, cause it is not REAL life, but it still is a fictional representation of rape and it should be seen as one and should be called as one instead of romantizing it or calling it something different like "just blackmail" or saying "shut up is it not real".
And the problem is that not really calling it what it is in fiction can actually badly influence what you call it in real life. Because you can't say that the same situation is rape in real life but then come here and see a depiction of that situation and call it normal just cause it is fiction, because that's hypocritical.
I'm not saying liking a manga with rape in it suddenly turns you into a bad person that doesn't care about rape in real life; I have read many mangas with rape in it and liked them as well as many that I didn't like, but even if I like them I still acknowlegde the fact that they have rape in them.
Ps: this kind of topics can get steamy easily but it is quite interesting to see peoples opinions and have a debate about it.
Am i the only one who thinks there is a difference between rape and blackmail