Theres a difference between sexism and hate rooted in fear. Women hate men because 1/3 women are sexual assault victims. Because women can not walk outside alone by themselves or go to stores by themselves or go to a bar by themselves without usually being harrassed or cat called in the least. Men hate women either because women dont want them or because women have objectified them or the patriarchy stepped on their feelings and emotions. We all have different reasons and expiriences to feel how we and and while we know it's not "all men" and "all women" we can still feel that way as long as we dont mistreat individuals because of that expirience.

Ok, so you think it isnt "sexist" to hate the opposite gender but it's still not a justification to hate an entire group on the basis of what sex they are.
I see where you're coming from, that this hatred, or fear, comes from bad experiences but I was addressing only the fact that the prejudice against certain sexes isn't good.
It's obviously bad to promote or normalize these things, which the author is doing by making Levi a misogynist.
Additionally, justifying hate against groups of people "as long as we dont mistreat" them is awful because that's like saying "its fine being racist as long as you dont act on it".

Dont fucking talk about george floyd. Police brutality and systemic racism are not even close to fearing men for raping you. Racism is for no reason, and fearing men is for actual safety (by taking precautions like not walking outside at night or going to bars alone) and women dont kill men because they're "afraid" dont talk about shit you don't know anything about.

I feel like you're missing my entire point here. You're JUSTIFYING the fact that its ok for men to hate women and women to hate men.
I'M saying that its not alright to do that because disliking an entire population based on gender is wrong.
I agree that people fear rape, but they fear death just as much. Sexism can lead to death and racism can lead to death.
And what in the world are you talking about when you say that a murder doesnt even come close to being raped?
Will be being scared of every single man prevent you from being raped? NO, it can still happen.
Taking precautions like being careful when going outside at night is an obvious thing to do no matter who you are. You dont need to hate men or women or anyone for that matter to do that. It's called being cautious.
Also, who gave you the right to say that I have no idea what I'm talking about? Stop acting so stuck up and get a brain.
Levi: I hate women
me: really author??...fuck you.