Bless this chapter, it really solidifies my theory on how attention starved he tian really...

maki June 5, 2017 12:36 am

Bless this chapter, it really solidifies my theory on how attention starved he tian really is like he just procrastinates to spend more time with little mo (LOL) and how he always ropes guan shan along to be with him and like sweet jesus when he tian just wants a moment longer to lay there with guan shan, poor lil touch starved boy
also lmao I love the ominous mystery of the earring like "where it when you see on this specific day"

    likalaruku June 5, 2017 4:20 am

    From the very beginning, I think it's been more of a drive to get laid. The ratio of "sexual harassment" to "getting to know all about you" towards Guan Shan & to a lesser degree Yi is skewed pretty sharply toward sex. He really is the polar opposite of Yi, who is more romantic & concerned with relationship bonds.