dudewhatswrong June 4, 2017 7:22 pm

I reaaaaally don't want Ryuu to be a part of this romance. I'm honestly fine with Chiba because I feel like he is mature enough to not make this beautiful love story into some cliche childish play and he might actually help mature their relationship, but I feel like Ryuu will make this childish and annoying if he became a contender. PLEASE GOD NO INTEREFERING RYUU.

PS When are they going to move on from sharing pecks on lips and get at least half naked...

    Gargisan June 4, 2017 7:25 pm

    This is a shounen ai.. not yaoi.. so i don't think that's gonna happen

    dudewhatswrong June 4, 2017 7:33 pm
    This is a shounen ai.. not yaoi.. so i don't think that's gonna happen Gargisan

    lol but sometimes shounen ai becomes low key yaoi!!! You know what I'm sayin? I would love a sex scene but I don't mind if they just hint at it and then just show their hands interlocked on the bed sheets and move onto waking up the next morning. I JUST WANT THEM TO SHOW ME MORE DIRECT SWEET TENDER LOVE D':

    DiggityDog June 4, 2017 7:51 pm

    I see a them of Ryou being Chiba's deaf younger brother and Ryou bringing Kouhei along and Chiba bringing Taichi along and Kouhei and Taichi getting closer and closer together as they move forward in their lives. This manga appears to be closely following realistic scenarios. People who fall in love with same-sex folks don't just jump into the embrace and love-you-til-we-die thing. It grows and develops slowly - like this manga's showing. Then how that all fits into a lifetime - transitioning from kids to adults along with adult responsibilities and expectations. I hate these types of true-to-life scenarios but I'm already hooked on the story so I'll read it to the end. With my luck, it'll become my most favorite story..... ugh.

    dudewhatswrong June 5, 2017 9:02 am
    I see a them of Ryou being Chiba's deaf younger brother and Ryou bringing Kouhei along and Chiba bringing Taichi along and Kouhei and Taichi getting closer and closer together as they move forward in their live... DiggityDog

    lmao that was some real nice heart felt writing! It's same for me too. I don't enjoy realistic fictions because I feel like the purpose of me reading such books or mangas is kind of because I want to place myself in a world full of happy endings or just beautiful things even if they are cliche or childish (of course there is still a limit to how much of the cliche I can tolerate). I really just hope that this story continues to be beautiful and hear warming. NO ANNOYING CLICHE LOVE LINES PLEASE (but I still kinda want Chiba to stimulate Kouhei's jealousy)