Just sharing weird stuff

uchigainai(*-*) June 2, 2017 5:27 pm

Anyone here who is also into gay tv shows? Like Queer as folks maybe? I've been watching some episodes lately (yeah i'm really late) and...omg, that was sooooo hot, to the point that now when i'm reading yaoi, it seems like...the drawings are moving when the characters are doing it(in my mind)...so the story becomes two times more intense...nevermind, i think i may be drunk too

    kuroo.hoee June 2, 2017 6:33 pm

    soemtimes i will go on netflix and watch gay movies (because omg there is alot) and most of the time the plot is really bad and trashy and the camera angles are off and i get mad and starting yelling like "CANT YOU JUST MAKE A GOOD QUAILTY GAY MOVIE" i think my grandparents worry XD