That would be like saying you can't eat carrots because they grow in dirt. I'm sure it was washed.
The worst bacteria that can be found on fresh vegetables would be e.coli from wild animals defecating in farm fields and since e.coli is already a major part of the bacterium in your intestines and colon, you are not introducing anything new. It is actually safer to stick an e.coli riddled veggie into your ass than it is to stick the same veggie in your mouth. Your intestines and colon are used to it, but your esophagus, stomach and bloodstream are not. Eating an e.coli riddled veggie can kill you.
Thinks like plants, roots and even wood were carved and used as dildos in ancient times, because they are softer and more flexible than materials like ivory and bone. Bone can splinter and cause major internal damage if used as a dildo, but the ancients still used it. In China they would even apply lacquer to roots, vegetables and bamboo dildos to preserve them and make them easier to clean.
I studied sexual psychology in college and one of my classes was based on ancient sex toys/ ancient medical devices/ torture devices. Dildos were considered medical devices in ancient times and it was doctors who would "ease" the symptoms of sexual frustration for a patient if they were unable to perform or climax. This was most common among ancient aristocracy and royalty. Medical devices evolved into sex toys and sex toys evolved into torture devices and back through in reverse. Things we see today as medical devices or sex toys, had their start in torture. The vaginal and anal speculums began as a device known as the "Pear". It was a metal pear shaped device with five "petals" that opened when the screw in the center was turned. In torture, it was used on women of "ill repute" and suspected "sodomites" (homosexuals) by inserting it into the mouth, vagina or anus and spreading the orifice until it ripped beyond repair - or broke the jaw in the case of the mouth. So, when you look at it objectively, is a carrot really such a bad thing to have inside you?
I think i've grown a lot in the past two years so, although i would personally not do it, hey if you wanna have a cold stiff veggie up ur bum who am i to judge right? and for those of you like minded like me here have this link: https://vibrators.com also, i severely dislike the mental image you gave me with the "pear" info but thanks for taking the time to comment on here and share the info lol
Sorry for the strange mental image. I guess those things fascinate me because it shows just what the human mind can accomplish. In both a good and bad way. We can take something used for torture and find positive ways to adapt that technology, but at the same time, there was a mind twisted enough to come up with such a horrible form of torture to begin with. I studied psychology and sexual psychology in college and it kinda stuck. So, I have continued my study even until now. One of the papers I had to research and write was regarding why people like the things they like and vibrators happened to be a topic covered in that paper. Apparently, some people have an aversion to inorganic materials inside their body. Personally, I don't have this aversion, but my own curiosity has led me to try many different things along the lines of organic materials vs inorganic materials. I prefer inorganic simply because they are easier to clean and sanitize... and they don't go bad an rot. LOL For a "one time use" item, veggies aren't harmful as long as they are clean and they get the job done. However, if you don't want to have to scour your garden or produce aisle every time you're feeling frisky, a well made vibrator is definitely the way to go.
omfg don't fuck a carrot!! or don't let it fuck you! my god dude at least make it wear a condom it grows in dirt for fucks sake Σ(っ°Д °;)っ