how are you even real??? you fucking fujoshis just keep fetishizing shit. ya ll fucking ignorant homophobes lmao why the fuck do you guys normalize rape culture, a gay relationship rooted from rape. have a fucking conscience and do a self assessment. this is fucking offensive and homophobic

Um, excuse you? Homophobes? Care to look up what that means? LMAO! Also, Did you even properly read the review? Oh. Of course not. I don't know what you're doing on this page even. And pal, hey, this is a fucking review for a fucking fictional work, a'ight? It doesn't mean that the OP is normalizing rape culture and "fetishizing" it. It's because of shit people like you, who doesn't have the flexibility and the ability to compartmentalize, that this comment section is going down the drains. Who's ignorant now? You should be the one doing a self assessment because
1) Getting triggered by a fictional work to this point, you are clearly the one who has a problem and
2) You don't have the right to use the argument that people can get triggered with this. I know that. In the first place, REAL PEOPLE WHO ARE REALLY TRIGGERED BY THESE THINGS, AVOID THEM. So, you would probably not find one here, especially given the nature of yaoi (let's get real) where rape is a common trope. So, may I politely ask what the fuck are you doing here? Hmm?
3) WOOOW. Generalizing. Yumm. My favorite type of stupid. Pray tell, did you perhaps, managed to meet all of the fujoshis existing on earth (me included and without me knowing) so you have the right to call shit on us and such? Wow. What shit.
4) Again, if you find this offensive, then what the fuck are you even doing here? *me waving the dirtiest handkerchief i can find as you stroll down shit road.*
5) Bye Felicia~

I won't delete your comment bc no matter how shtty your reply is (and obviously you haven't read or didn't understand my review), I respect your opinion.
And how, pray tell, did I know that you haven't read my review? (Or maybe you did, but you refuse to understand it) Because I have clearly stated in my review that I hate Rape as a start of the Relationship. And if you really understand my comment, you wouldn't be so injudicious in claiming that all fujoshis are fetishizing rape culture. Because anon, the review, that was hella long, was solely dedicated for my explanation as to why my favorite bl manhwa has a premise that I truly hated. Yes, I don't condone rape in normal circumstances, even in bl. And that is why I tried my best to explain as to why I could tolerate this manhwa through the review that I made.
So next time, think before you click, yea? ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
I hate how they started with their relationship, but daaaang the ending of the first arc was qt afff (=・ω・=)
imma gonna do a review as to why this was okay for me. And this is gonna be hella long
Idk what I felt when I read this at 6 am without proper sleep that night (maybe I was feelng a little bit sentimental?) but I gave it a chance anyway and read it until the latest update (chap 18). I think I read this around March when it still had 7 chapters. I didn't really follow the manga and just kept checking it's latest updates. Kinda forgot about it and it released a new chapter today and read it out of curiosity. And I tell you, I have no regrets reading this one.
It had the premise that I really hated: rape as a start of relationship. I hated Hidoku Shinaide at first unti the succeeding chapters, but I was really curious of the story but a voice in my head kept hating every chapter of it. I had to read a chapter around vol 5 in advance just to convince myself that it gets better. And my hatred started to dissipate when the mangaka FINALLY opened the topic as how Maya and Nemu's relationship started. AND IT TOOK HER 6 VOLUMES TO DO IT.
BUT THIS MANHWA. THIS GOLDMINE MANHWA WAS DIFFERENT. You could really see Hyung-Jo being apologetic just after their relationship started. Personally, Minjae is such an ideal uke. He's a wuss, but he has courage at the same time. Also, he doesn't blame Hyung-Jo at all, but he doesn't spoil Hyung-Jo too much and wants to be treated with care (unlike some uke who'll just say: Whatever you do to me is okay like WTF BRUHHH TREASURE YOURSELF A LI'L BIT, YEAH??) That was why when Minjae said "Just treat me with care, okay?" I WAS LIKE BROOO I LIKE YOU ALREADYYY. AND I LOVE MINJAE WHEN EVEN THOUGH HYUNGJO IS KIND TO HIM AND ALL, MINJAE IS STILL CONSIDERATE TOWARDS HYUNGJO!!! Minjae has this one redeeming character towards the series: he doesn't want to hurt people to the point that he would lie. [spoiler] a) when he kept it a secret from Hyungjo that Hyung was actually active in his sex life + he bats for the other team lol AND b) when they had sex in Behind Story 2 when Hyungjo asked Minjae if the sex was good, his thoughts were "it's a little tiring" but he didn't say it out loud and said that "It was very good". [/spoiler] I love it when Minjae doesn't abuse/take advantage of Hyungjo's kindness.
And I love it when he's reactions are realistic. [spoiler] When Hyungjo started avoiding him bc he was ashamed of his past actions, he wasn't insecure and didn't get mad at Hyungjo (unlike mediocre ukes out there). Instead, he comforted Hyungjo and told him that they're okay. He is such an uke I love him <3 [/spoiler]
And I loooove how he isn't a tsundere that would keep saying "No" (when it's reallyy obvious that some uke are just bashful) after they got in a relationship. I think that's the reason why Hyung-Jo would take his rejection seriously and would stop the moment Minjae would show even the least bit of resistance. AND THE SEME I SWEAR. ASIDE FROM HIS ANGER ISSUES (and obliviousness), HYUNG JO IS THE IDEAL SEME. Because a) He doesn't force (after their relationship started, of course lol) Minjae. b) He would tease Minjae at first but if Minjae doesn't like it, he'll stop, apologize, and say "I'm kidding" c) He forgives himself but he doesn't forget what he did to Minjae at first d) He spoils Minjae. e) He's sincere and not calculative f) He's not one of those sadistic ruts that likes it if their uke would cry. He would even ask Minjae "please stop crying" because he doesn't want his loved one to be hurt and MOST IMPORTANTLY, HE TREATS MINJAE WITH UTMOST CARE!!! I JUST LOVE HIM AS A SEME!!! WHEN MINJAE WOULD SAY THAT HE'S (even just a little bit!!!) SCARED, HE'LL DO EVERYTHING JUST TO COMFORT MINJAE!!! [spoiler] WHEN MINJAE SAID THAT HE WAS SCARED IN DOING A BACKSIDE POSITION (idk what position it's called lolol just when the uke facing the bed and the seme tops the bottom) AND CRIED, HYUNG-JO WAS REALLYYYY WORRIED AND PULLED OUT!!! AND HE WAS REALLY APOLOGETIC WHEN THE REASON WHY MINJAE WAS SCARED WAS BECAUSE HE RAPED HIM A FEW CHAPS AGO!!! AND ALSO WHEN HYUNGJO MENTIONED THAT HE WANTED TO LOCK MINJAE UP BC HE'S JUST TOO CUTE, MINJAE LAUGHED AND SAID IT'S A LITTLE SCARY, HE TOOK BACK HIS WORDS AND SAID THAT HE DOESN'T REALLY MEAN WHAT HE JUST SAID AND SAID HE'S SORRY!!!!! [/spoiler]
I hate "cool" semes who won't lose their "coolness" even in the middle of sex with uke. And I also don't like wimp semes who can't even protect their uke. It's a perfect balance for Hyungjo lol. In terms of the uke, I hate ukes who are too bashful with their feelings all over the place. But I also don't like ukes who are stronger than their seme lol. Minjae was a perfect uke because his reactions are realistic and he knows how to react to Hyungjo lol. Maybe that's why I love this manga soooo much because the seme and the uke are both ideals to their role! This manhwa is probably one of those asian comics where I don't mind if their not a reversible couple (I'm a fan of seke couples!!!!!)
To summarize: READ IT BECAUSE IT GETS F BETTER!!!! (+ the updates are fast, courtesy of Random Fujoshis hehe kudos to you guys!!!!)