is it bad if I like the blonde guy? ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

MoOnBlOoD May 31, 2017 5:29 pm

is it bad if I like the blonde guy? ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    CathyBLover May 31, 2017 7:18 pm

    I like(d) him too, but I don't ship him with anyone but the idea that he is seke. (I wanna see him be uke)

    My dislike grew when he said "a pet" "a girl". Bitch, I'M READING BL, MEN IN LOVE, YOU KNOW?

    MoOnBlOoD May 31, 2017 9:00 pm
    I like(d) him too, but I don't ship him with anyone but the idea that he is seke. (I wanna see him be uke)My dislike grew when he said "a pet" "a girl". Bitch, I'M READING BL, MEN IN LOVE, YOU KNOW? CathyBLover

    yeahhh haha I was "a pet?" hell yeah that sounds good .. but with "a girl?" boi what the hell? xd

    CathyBLover May 31, 2017 9:48 pm
    yeahhh haha I was "a pet?" hell yeah that sounds good .. but with "a girl?" boi what the hell? xd MoOnBlOoD

    I am so not into girlyfying (this is not a real word but you get the point) the ukes. ( Like asspussy or you sound like a girl etc. Etc.) I'm reading boy x boy action for a reason XD

    MoOnBlOoD June 1, 2017 3:59 pm
    I am so not into girlyfying (this is not a real word but you get the point) the ukes. ( Like asspussy or you sound like a girl etc. Etc.) I'm reading boy x boy action for a reason XD CathyBLover

    yeeeeahh! ! u got me!! I even dont know why there was some manga in which the boy has a pussy and the seme is like doing love to a girl? he has no dik so what? im here because I want men if I want something like that then I go to watch hentai :v

    CathyBLover June 1, 2017 5:32 pm
    yeeeeahh! ! u got me!! I even dont know why there was some manga in which the boy has a pussy and the seme is like doing love to a girl? he has no dik so what? im here because I want men if I want something lik... MoOnBlOoD


    MoOnBlOoD June 1, 2017 9:29 pm
    EXACTLY. CathyBLover

    * devil laugh * xd hey have some mangas to recomend?? gimmeee hahah ^u^

    CathyBLover June 1, 2017 9:42 pm
    * devil laugh * xd hey have some mangas to recomend?? gimmeee hahah ^u^ MoOnBlOoD

    Depends on what you wanna read! Want to see great stories? Check my I love this one it is so good tag. Want to read amazing stories? Check my 5 stars tag. Wanna see sex? Check my Smuttiest smut tag I'm really bad at recommending stuff, but if you want to see something specific just tell me what you like and I'll try and see what I can do.

    MoOnBlOoD June 2, 2017 8:57 pm
    Depends on what you wanna read! Want to see great stories? Check my I love this one it is so good tag. Want to read amazing stories? Check my 5 stars tag. Wanna see sex? Check my Smuttiest smut tag I'm real... CathyBLover

    omg hahah your gonna be a great worker if you say something like this! Now I wanna buy everything u offer me XD XD ha! u know paraiso harada? u really have to check the mangas she made!!! the stories are like omg! with no words the sex scenes are art! haha she made with love, rape, sad, funny and its gorgerous! ! what are ur favorite yaoi gender ??.(๑•ㅂ•)و✧ I also have a lot to recommend!

    CathyBLover June 2, 2017 9:43 pm
    omg hahah your gonna be a great worker if you say something like this! Now I wanna buy everything u offer me XD XD ha! u know paraiso harada? u really have to check the mangas she made!!! the stories are like o... MoOnBlOoD

    Who wouldn't know Harada! Her works are so unique! Though I prefer sweet love over anything, when both parties really treasure each others. And if we are talking about great sex scenes/art, my favourite author is UNDOUBTEDLY Zaria/ Zariya Ranmaru. Her art is INTOXICATING.

    MoOnBlOoD June 2, 2017 10:23 pm
    Who wouldn't know Harada! Her works are so unique! Though I prefer sweet love over anything, when both parties really treasure each others. And if we are talking about great sex scenes/art, my favourite author ... CathyBLover

    I also now her! my favorite is coyote and pet keiyaku!! her art looks like she put oil in their bodies xd the first one I saw was mob for jack she buy me with that ones xD favorite one?

    CathyBLover June 3, 2017 5:40 pm
    I also now her! my favorite is coyote and pet keiyaku!! her art looks like she put oil in their bodies xd the first one I saw was mob for jack she buy me with that ones xD favorite one? MoOnBlOoD

    The mob for Jack was probably the first one I saw, but my favourite is the sleeping man, the loving man (Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko). And Coyote and Pet Keiyaku are so great as well! SHE IS JUST AMAZING

    MoOnBlOoD June 3, 2017 7:41 pm
    The mob for Jack was probably the first one I saw, but my favourite is the sleeping man, the loving man (Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko). And Coyote and Pet Keiyaku are so great as well! SHE IS JUST AMAZING CathyBLover

    Yaaaasss finally someone I can talk about yaoi, the friends O have dont know that I like this haha neither my family :,v is rare just to say to someone "hey I love to watch the love of man with man and stick his dick in their ass " ok sound rude but how I can say something like that! :v

    CathyBLover June 4, 2017 12:26 pm
    Yaaaasss finally someone I can talk about yaoi, the friends O have dont know that I like this haha neither my family :,v is rare just to say to someone "hey I love to watch the love of man with man and stick hi... MoOnBlOoD

    So true! Lucky me I have friends with same interests, but I'm more yaoi manga fan, and the others prefer anime or shipping real people, fanfics etc.

    MoOnBlOoD June 5, 2017 2:31 am
    So true! Lucky me I have friends with same interests, but I'm more yaoi manga fan, and the others prefer anime or shipping real people, fanfics etc. CathyBLover

    yeahh jaja but since I live in ecuador and I actually speak spanish (not english I learned cuz for studies) and here there are only less than 1% people who barely know anime so Im alone in this u,u from where are ya?

    CathyBLover June 5, 2017 9:14 am

    Yeah I live in Finland, so english is my second language as well! I feel for you, at least here more half the people (my age) know what anime is, regardless if they like anime or not.

    MoOnBlOoD June 5, 2017 1:10 pm
    Yeah I live in Finland, so english is my second language as well! I feel for you, at least here more half the people (my age) know what anime is, regardless if they like anime or not. CathyBLover

    wow yaoi can connect people xD I really hate my nationality since I realize that other people though that in ecuador live indian people in the jungle and here they are not cultural and etc. While I heard of in Alemania Are Amazing!! the culture the beer the people xD how about Finland? u want to visit our galapagos?

    CathyBLover June 5, 2017 1:42 pm
    wow yaoi can connect people xD I really hate my nationality since I realize that other people though that in ecuador live indian people in the jungle and here they are not cultural and etc. While I heard of in ... MoOnBlOoD

    Yeah, yaoi connects people all over the world And who wouldn't want to visit Galapagos? Like wow, THE NATURE. I don't hate my nationality, but nobody really knows anything about Finland where it is (in northern europe) and we are maybe known for Nokia, Kone and our drinking culture and unsociality. Well, people are different, some like to be left alone and some start chatting with anyone they see. And about the drinking? Yeah, we drink a lot, but it's not that bad nor do we drink 24/7. I basically drink once a month when I go out with some friends.

    MoOnBlOoD June 5, 2017 2:06 pm
    Yeah, yaoi connects people all over the world And who wouldn't want to visit Galapagos? Like wow, THE NATURE. I don't hate my nationality, but nobody really knows anything about Finland where it is (in norther... CathyBLover

    I love to drink, but I have to wait one more year to reach the adult age, (18) and here the nokia are famous for being indestructibles xD and I was going serious about galapagos.. xd ok no haha I was like "yeeiii I also want to visit galapagos" soo I always heard about yeah the famous place the turtles the sharks etc, a beutiful place, so I go like for one week and IT WAS HORRIBLE since is a famous place for people, outsiders? (extranjeros) well they make everything expensive and u cant enjoy cuz u have to pay everything more like to live adventure only a bottle of water cost like 4 to 5 dollars while originally cost 0.75 cents! ugh the heat was horrible the food also expensive there are amazing places the seals are everywhere u get tired of them.. and place for eat or rest are low they are recently making hotels I visit there again like in 100 years! what u have to do is find a place near the sea, stay there go to the sea and dive, prepare ur food is way more better and that is walk not far and yep, I know my experience what I see is a explotion of tourism.. well haha hope I dont down u haha and ur tourism places?

    CathyBLover June 5, 2017 2:14 pm
    I love to drink, but I have to wait one more year to reach the adult age, (18) and here the nokia are famous for being indestructibles xD and I was going serious about galapagos.. xd ok no haha I was like "yeei... MoOnBlOoD

    Seems that reality is harsh... Oh well there are many places I'd like to visit so it's okay. Tourism places here, hmm... Lapland? Never been there, but the northern lights are beautiful, there are mountains/hills and beautiful nature, all around the year. There really isn't much to see other than some beautiful natural nature... Forests, lakes, some more forests, some more lakes...

    MoOnBlOoD June 5, 2017 8:46 pm
    Seems that reality is harsh... Oh well there are many places I'd like to visit so it's okay. Tourism places here, hmm... Lapland? Never been there, but the northern lights are beautiful, there are mountains/hi... CathyBLover

    I love forest, nature everything so if someone ask where I would like to go I just say "the jungle" maybe I can meet Tarzan haha oh u like that movie?