for everyone confused about how vol. 3 turned out

salvx May 31, 2017 9:00 am

im also confused as fuck but probably less so since I can actually read most of it so ill try and explain?
the jist of it is that hamura loves jin (obviously), alex (the new/intruder) also loves jin and jin loves..............


many of you are probably confused. i would be too.

the jist of /this/ situation is basically that when jin came to america he was /not in a good place/ mentally and alex, who I guess taught the esl classes, became interested in him, which then escalated b/c I guess alex offered to help jin forget about hamura through sex and stuff. that was like how it was for jin during those three years and he probably became dependent on alex and the escapism he offered, thus why he didn't refuse him even after he and hamura had gotten together

as for hamura well...not being there when jin woke up was probably b/c he felt guilty as hell over his actions and was still super bothered by what alex told him at the okonomiyaki place...though it was still a dick move and really stupid of him

if only these two would actually talk shit out ( ̄∇ ̄") it probably wouldn't have gotten like this ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    MissManga May 31, 2017 1:13 pm

    Thank you for your explanation. Jin is too close to Alex and it feels like he still holds on to him and want to have it both ways (he's not cheating on him,according to what I saw but it feels like).And it makes him look bad. I know that he loves Hamura and that there are things that go unsaid between them.I'm looking forward to volume 4 to see how it ends.

    MissManga May 31, 2017 1:50 pm

    I don't know how to make my reply appear lower. I'm sorry if it spoiled anyone.