Kurarisa May 31, 2017 4:36 am

Is it wrong to love sangwoo? Huhu ever since i started reading this ive always been fond of sangwoo.

    LessThanThree May 31, 2017 8:15 pm
    are you yourself gay? @Anonymous

    Pan, but if I were to be in a relationship I'd prefer the same sex.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 8:25 pm
    Pan, but if I were to be in a relationship I'd prefer the same sex. LessThanThree

    ok. just wondering since you kept referring to the lgbt community as if you were part of it so i imagined you were lol
    also, every gay person i know considers h*mosexual a slur? maybe it varies from place to place lol
    so refrain from using it even if you being sga can reclaim it cause many people are uncomfortable with it. (i censor all hateful slurs, even the ones i can reclaim because i don't like reading or writing them myself...)

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 8:29 pm

    I always find it laughable when people generalize and attack all yaoi readers and authors, saying they are all homophobic. Conversations like this, while covering a different topic, echo in similarity to the christian extremists who picket my university annually to tell people they’re all sinful, bad people. You’ll have a hard time changing people’s opinions if you think fighting gay stereotypes with bigotry is the way to go about this. While stereotypes of gay relationships and mental illnesses may be represented in this webtoon, it is inappropriate to assume that all readers of KS have opinions on gay relationships or mental illness in reality that would coincide with what is presented in the webtoon. KS represents an extreme of abusive relationships and an extreme of mental illness. If someone lacks awareness of stereotypes should they be attacked for their naivete? I would say no, but they should be educated not to believe misconceptions. However, all efforts to combat misconceptions are lost if it's done with bigotry.

    {____} too lazy to log in May 31, 2017 8:37 pm
    i never said people would copy the behavior though?what i said is that ks perpetuates the stigmas and stereotypes around gay and mentally ill people. and the more that they are spread and reinforced, the more t... @Anonymous

    Obviously you are affected by reading Killing Stalking, if you weren't then you wouldn't be so upset.
    Now, correct me if i am wrong, but you don't like yaoi or slash in general, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be on a site reading manga that fetishizes homosexual relationships, written by women whose core audience are women.
    Let me say that not once have I read someone say that the relationship between Bum and Sangwoo is healthy and perfect; in fact you are the only to make such comments that I know.
    Also, there are plenty of people in the world that already feel that way about gay people without ever knowing, reading, or hearing about KS. But, if you really believe that KS is going to change the way people look at you a gay nd man (sorry i don't now what nd means) then what about mangas like Finder (rape and violence), Kobi No Kyoujin (rape, violence, murder), Jikan Akima Jinbutsu (murder, psychological trauma), and the list goes on and on and on and on. Do you see where I am going with this? This one comic is not going to make people see you as dangerous, abnormal, disgusting, incapable of loving, wrong, or sinful if the millions of other rape, violence, murder, etc bl comics didn't.

    I read fiction to escape from reality, I hate my job, I read comics (all kinds not just yaoi, plus my american super heroes) to get over my shitty day, not once have I read once and looked at a woman and thought oh she needs a man to swoop down and save her. Not once have I looked at 2 men in line at the gas station and thought one of those guy is gonna rape the other. I read To Kill a Mocking Bird in 5th grade, guess what it didn't make me a racist. And I am not saying that this is right, but this definitely the first time people have sexualized a serial killer. At least this time they are 2d and not real life like, Ted Bundy or Jeffrey Dahmer (who was actually gay). Needless to say but I will say it anyway, I dont think that these comic book characters are going to make people think any less of you because you are gay. I think your attitude that you showed earlier will make people think less of you! Gay or not, you catch more flies with honey, show a little more respect in your arguments and people will take you a little more seriously. Also, generalizing everyone the way you did is never nice.

    Sorami May 31, 2017 8:37 pm
    my dislike for koogi comes from her being an irresponsible homophobic ableist piece of trashthat's not what i said??? as i've said many times before I AM GAY so why would i say gay is bad????? what i said was t... @Anonymous

    Too bad Koogi isn't a cis white male. I guess I don't win the oppression bingo today.

    All your comments point to you being the obvious problem. I AM GAY. This manhwa has gay characters portrayed in a negative light. Others might see ME as a bad person because this manga has bad gay people in it therefore I AM OFFENDED by it.

    You have a problem so rather than just let things be and move on you come and carry on. What do you hope to accomplish by doing all this? The only thing you are doing is making people form negative opinions of you. Not because of your sexuality or your views of the manhwa but because you're coming off as unpalatable.

    Your last response says it all. You feel threatened and hurt and you lash out. Maybe where you live there is still a lot of stigma but you just painted everyone with a broad brush to attempt to prove your point. You are just as guilty as the people you are accusing. Lmao ( see how that works?)

    (I went and took a break to read other comments and I agree with Lol and v. You sound like you're the one who need therapy. It's also ironic how you don't like the terms gays or homosexuals but you just labeled a bunch of people homophobic when you don't know them. Do you or do you not want respect?)

    If where you live is a problem, maybe you should take your rampaging offline and into the streets where it matters. You don't even know most of the people you are talking to online come from. You don't know what our views are on homosexuality or anything like that. You don't even know who is seriously gushing over Sangwoo and who isn't. You seem like you just want to cause a disturbance.

    In a follow up to what Lol said let me tell you this. There's a lot of talk about the rights and treatment of gay and trans people. It isn't perfect all over the world but a lot of people are more aware. I would even say a lot of them are trying to be more open and accepting but when you behave like that, it repels people. I would say that the fujoshi and fudashi community, giving the nature of their hobby, would probably be more apt to stand with gay people so why are you here attacking them? Again, what do you hope to accomplish?

    Maybe it's time for people like you to take a step back and let the story unfold and let the world adjust because at this point you're doing more harm than good. People don't need or like to be preached to. You aren't saying anything new and you're raging over something petty which makes your cause look petty which causes less people to sympathise with you.

    You say you don't want to control or censor but if your voice and voices like yours were the only valid ones, KS and many other stories wouldn't exist. From my experience on the net, I'd say lots of things won't exist because people get offended by anything. Sadly we live in a world where people think they have a right to not be offended and shut down everything that offends them. NEWSFLASH: We don't.

    I'm going to keep asking you this question. What do you hope to achieve by behaving like this here? Because your actions seem futile and even talking to you seem futile.

    Also, on the Internet, nothing is censored.

    All I had to do was type in "read Mein Kampf online" and I found it in less than 5 seconds flat. I'm guessing from your behaviour you either live in a country where censorship is normal or there is a lot of push for it these days but I don't live in such a country. I weep for people who think speech should be limited. (The irony! Someone who belongs to a marginalized group pushing for rights thinks it's okay to limit the rights of others!)

    Admittedly, I did post Mein Kampf to agitate you a bit but I also posted it to prove something to you; you can't stop ideas from existing and you can't stop people from finding what they want to see. I'm pretty sure at least one anti-Semite lives in your country so banning Mein Kampf didn't work. The same logic goes of KS or any piece of "offensive homophobic" material. Or any material that offends any group and portrays them in a negative light. You can't stop ideas from existing and change the way people feel by banning anything and if someone wants it and is willing to look hard enough they will find it.

    Also, I like how you think I'm American despite the fact that most of my words are spelt with a British spelling. Can't you tell I am not? Since you correctly guessed we are all homophobes, I thought you had magical powers that made all your assumptions right.

    I wasn't stigmatizing anyone. I was just assuming that decades of research into human behaviour and how it links to our childhood would yield a conclusion resonating higher than malarkey. I guess after you've finished humouring us simpletons you should publish a dissertation to the APA notifying them that the hundreds of psychologists and psychiatrists who've contributed to further understanding the mechanism human mind are wrong. I guess we should all go refer to you now, oh great wise one. Or should we go back to animal sacrifices and holy water?

    I'm glad that my views on Sangwoo's ans Yoonbum's relationship satiates you. Please don't burn down my crops.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 8:40 pm
    I always find it laughable when people generalize and attack all yaoi readers and authors, saying they are all homophobic. Conversations like this, while covering a different topic, echo in similarity to the ch... @Anonymous

    sure jan
    but consider this: if you support media that is homophobic and ableist, you are supporting this mentality. you don't get to choose what is or isn't prejudiced just because you like a fucking webtoon.
    if you can ignore the homophobia and ableism in this webtoon and consider it good, you are fucking homophobic and ableist.
    it's really not that complicated

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 9:14 pm
    sure jan but consider this: if you support media that is homophobic and ableist, you are supporting this mentality. you don't get to choose what is or isn't prejudiced just because you like a fucking webtoon.if... @Anonymous

    I don't believe that the webtoon is homophobic simply because it does not represent an ideal relationship between two men. No one has said that homophobia and ableism was ignored or a that it was a good thing. I didn't even mention if I liked KS or not. You shouldn't classify all people as homophobic and ableist simply for reading a webtoon. Things in life aren't so black and white. This really doesn't matter for my opinion here but I am gay and I also have mental health issues. For varying reaons, I've dealt with a great deal of prejudice in my lifetime and even to this day. Fujoshi aren't the source of my problems and making yaoi disappear won't resolve prejudice. I think you are attacking something that is not the source of your problems as well.

    Anon May 31, 2017 11:23 pm

    Wow. So sometimes gay people can be assholes too (I should know). Isn't it worse to relegate fictional homosexuals to safe roles for identity politics?

    Anonymous June 1, 2017 12:33 am
    Wow. So sometimes gay people can be assholes too (I should know). Isn't it worse to relegate fictional homosexuals to safe roles for identity politics? @Anon

    Gays are just as big of a bigots, apparently. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ And this particular one is uncivilized, and has no apparent goal other than just to spread hate. He talks about the oppression of homosexuals, but he says it amidst bigotry. It's hard to sympathize with his argument when he talks so shitty. He's not getting any sympathy from me. It might even attract more hate to what he's arguing because of how he is.

    Kurarisa June 1, 2017 7:11 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! MOI?

    Lol. had fun reading the comments. Like hell did i ever imagine it would turn out like this. Anyway, everybody is entitled to their own opinions. We are all here to enjoy great yaoi. (Depends on your own taste) so

    batmeats June 1, 2017 2:43 pm

    jesus FUCKING CHRIST this thread is the virtual representation of cancer
    this fucking gay dude anon whining constantly "muh gay representation!!!11!11!" and bawwwing about mental illnesses, fucking chill mate
    yes we all know gay representation is good in some series but fucking hell going as far as to insult koogi for it
    that anon is more toxic than i am kek

    Anonymous June 1, 2017 4:09 pm
    i never said people would copy the behavior though?what i said is that ks perpetuates the stigmas and stereotypes around gay and mentally ill people. and the more that they are spread and reinforced, the more t... @Anonymous

    So what scares you that such fiction affects your reality? Do you get the gist? Digest it

    Anonymous June 1, 2017 4:14 pm

    What the fuck are you guys judging people because a person is gay. Gay is just a sexual preference not related to a fucking mental illness. Give me a citation if you fucking disagree and prove me with factual basis.

    An individual can be straight or gay and still behave like an asshole. You judge people with their action and not biased anyone's opinion because they have other personal preference that isn't your fucking business.

    So, if I hated rats and you have a rat as a pet. Should I insist that your argument is invalid because you have a fucking rat in a cage and pet them like some cats? No, you supposedly don't act that fucking way.

    Anon June 1, 2017 4:30 pm
    to yall who think fiction doesn't affect reality: @Anonymous

    Nothing you linked to shows a direct relationship between people enjoying fiction and their actions in real life. Just because there is a relationship doesn't mean it is direct or literal, or that real life is not very different from fiction.

    As for your suggestions of googling, in any research you can "dig for gold" or look for crap. I think what your one-sided results show are an attempt at confirmation bias, and some conjecture and editorial comments by various writers.

    Anon June 1, 2017 4:34 pm
    Gays are just as big of a bigots, apparently. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ And this particular one is uncivilized, and has no apparent goal other than just to spread hate. He talks about the oppression of homosexuals, b... @Anonymous

    Er, when I said "I should know", I meant I am also gay (or LGBT+--it depends who defines what). Just as one person can't speak for all gays, neither should you judge all gays by one. Homosexuals do face some nasty things (in some places, it can be life-threatening), but that has nothing to do with this story.

    Anonymous June 1, 2017 4:48 pm
    What the fuck are you guys judging people because a person is gay. Gay is just a sexual preference not related to a fucking mental illness. Give me a citation if you fucking disagree and prove me with factual b... @Anonymous

    Read the whole fucking thread before bullshitting your way into the conversation. His actions and hate speech is what fueled this into a bigger fire than it should be. He fucking punched in some pretty low blows while everyone else tried to have a civil argument. So, yea, expect a few below-the-belt shit be thrown at your way also.

    Don't bring in your sexual preference and play victim. I don't fucking care if you're straight or fucking pansexual. Ugh. If you read the thread, the boy's a bully. There are constructive criticisms, but all he did is just to spread his hate about how unfair the world is because he thinks a webtoon automatically makes people think gays are "disgusting, abnormal " etc

    Anonymous June 1, 2017 5:04 pm
    Read the whole fucking thread before bullshitting your way into the conversation. His actions and hate speech is what fueled this into a bigger fire than it should be. He fucking punched in some pretty low blow... @Anonymous

    I admit that I wasn't committed to the whole thread. I still haven't now, and I didn't mention my sexual preference or playing victim at all. I was giving my opinion that you shouldn't judge a person because you are biased with an individual's personal preference. "Gay people can be asshole also too" - it was meant for sarcasms, but I based my opinion on that.

    Thanks for your brief summary but I really don't relate my opinion with whomever boy you were referring to.

    Kurarisa June 2, 2017 10:56 am

    Okay, clearly this thread is going in the wrong direction. Everybody here just wants to read some good stories and has their own interests. Just because of some hater hating on the author and the story itself. If you dont like it then keep it to yourself and dont insult the author.

    Just wanted to share my own feelings regarding this story. So lets all have fun and be civil. Will probably have to remove/delete this thread dont wanna cause so much drama than what it currently is.

    Anonymous June 2, 2017 1:29 pm
    Okay, clearly this thread is going in the wrong direction. Everybody here just wants to read some good stories and has their own interests. Just because of some hater hating on the author and the story itself. ... Kurarisa

    Don't delete it. Let it be a reminder to us.