Kurarisa May 31, 2017 4:36 am

Is it wrong to love sangwoo? Huhu ever since i started reading this ive always been fond of sangwoo.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 7:21 pm
    I really don't know where your dislike of Koogi comes from but I don't feel the same. I'm not defending or attacking the author but just willing to read every chapter and see where this goes.I know plenty of ga... Sorami

    my dislike for koogi comes from her being an irresponsible homophobic ableist piece of trash
    that's not what i said??? as i've said many times before I AM GAY so why would i say gay is bad????? what i said was that SOCIETY VIEWS GAY PEOPLE AS BAD, not "gay people view themselves as bad"???? what the fuck lmao
    no it can't. and that's not a bad thing.
    i'm not saying "you're not allowed to write sad stories" or "you're not allowed to draw apples". i'm saying "you're not allowed to write fucking prejudiced stories"
    that shouldn't be hard?? it should be fucking common sense tbh lmao
    also what you said doesn't make sense at all. OF COURSE PREJUDICED MEDIA AFFECTS PEOPLE AND HOW THEY VIEW MARGINALIZED GROUPS!!!! there's a reason why mein kampf was fucking censored
    i'm not american so, no, i've never heard of the lifetime channel and from what you've said it seems pretty shit lmao
    and i'm not saying it affects THE AMERICAN POPULATION???
    i'm saying it affects gay people, who are definitely not fine (btw your vp mike pence is a homophobe who supports conversion therapy)
    pathologizing affects mentally ill people, because you're usually categorizing bad behavior as something caused by mental illnesses. this causes nd people to be stigmatized and considered "dangerous".
    i know. i just mentioned the explanations being cliché cause people keep saying ks is so fucking original and unpredictable when it isn't at all?
    also i don't agree with your views on the characters but i don't think it's relevant to discuss that. i'm just glad you weren't implying they were good for each other.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 7:23 pm
    No, it's bigotry. Judging by your responses throughout this thread, you're a bigot. @v

    yeah i'm a bigot against fucking homophobes because i'm a big mean gay boo fucking hoo

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 7:34 pm
    We, or at least I, don't see gay people as dangerous, abnormal, abnormal etc. after I read KS. And I'm quite fond of this webtoon. It didn't change my views about homosexuals, the mentally ill or even murderers... @v

    "h*mosexual" is a slur. use "gay people"
    but also, i'm not talking about you specifically. i'm saying it can make people feel that way BECAUSE HOMOPHOBIA AND ABLEISM ARE ALREADY ASPECTS OF OUR SOCIETY THAT HURT GAY AND ND PEOPLE AND PUT THEM IN DANGER
    this is not a matter of me being hurt and wanting to take it out on you. it's a matter of me being from a marginalized group and ks (and its fandom) perpetuating our oppression.
    sorry karen but if you like ks you like a homophobic manhwa and that makes you a fucking homophobe

    Lol May 31, 2017 7:35 pm
    my dislike for koogi comes from her being an irresponsible homophobic ableist piece of trashthat's not what i said??? as i've said many times before I AM GAY so why would i say gay is bad????? what i said was t... @Anonymous

    And you wonder why people fucking hate gays. If I'm gonna hate gays, it's not because of KS, it's because some random triggered gay teenager goes around attacking people. Fucking disgusting, you are. You're not even trying to be civil, are all gays like that?

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 7:41 pm
    And you wonder why people fucking hate gays. If I'm gonna hate gays, it's not because of KS, it's because some random triggered gay teenager goes around attacking people. Fucking disgusting, you are. You're not... @Lol

    oh yeah. me, a harmless gay teenager, being vocal about my anger towards a homophobic manhwa is THE REASON gay people all over the world are BEAT UP, THROWN OUT OF THEIR HOMES, ABUSED, RAPED, STALKED, KIDNAPPED, PUT IN FUCKING CONCENTRATION CAMPS AND MURDERED.
    also "gays" is dehumanizing. say "gay people" it's not that fucking hard you disgusting homophobe

    Lol May 31, 2017 7:44 pm
    oh yeah. me, a harmless gay teenager, being vocal about my anger towards a homophobic manhwa is THE REASON gay people all over the world are BEAT UP, THROWN OUT OF THEIR HOMES, ABUSED, RAPED, STALKED, KIDNAPPED... @Anonymous

    LOL GOOD. If it lessens your population, GOOD.

    Lol May 31, 2017 7:45 pm
    oh yeah. me, a harmless gay teenager, being vocal about my anger towards a homophobic manhwa is THE REASON gay people all over the world are BEAT UP, THROWN OUT OF THEIR HOMES, ABUSED, RAPED, STALKED, KIDNAPPED... @Anonymous

    The fuck you go all around spouting shit here. Get a therapist you fucking homosexual.

    LessThanThree May 31, 2017 7:49 pm
    oh yeah. me, a harmless gay teenager, being vocal about my anger towards a homophobic manhwa is THE REASON gay people all over the world are BEAT UP, THROWN OUT OF THEIR HOMES, ABUSED, RAPED, STALKED, KIDNAPPED... @Anonymous

    This is where you lost me. People tell me I'm going to hell for my orientation and keep my sexuality a secret from my mother. I get shit for those kinds of things. This manhwa might be homophobic, but I'd hardly say it is the reason the LGBTQ community is treated like shit. The reason is conservative bullshit and people who complain about how we're "not natural" or are predators.

    LessThanThree May 31, 2017 7:49 pm
    The fuck you go all around spouting shit here. Get a therapist you fucking homosexual. @Lol

    Way to prove you're homophobic.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 7:51 pm
    The fuck you go all around spouting shit here. Get a therapist you fucking homosexual. @Lol

    i can't believe you are being serious.
    you are probably a troll and if you aren't i hope you choke you fucking homophobe
    also "h*mosexual" is a slur just fucking use "gay people"

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 7:52 pm
    Way to prove you're homophobic. LessThanThree


    LessThanThree May 31, 2017 7:53 pm
    i can't believe you are being are probably a troll and if you aren't i hope you choke you fucking homophobealso "h*mosexual" is a slur just fucking use "gay people" @Anonymous

    Just because you think it's slur doesn't mean everyone does. In fact, the majority of the community disagrees with you.

    Lol May 31, 2017 7:54 pm
    Way to prove you're homophobic. LessThanThree

    I'm homophobic now because of the dipshit there ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Lol May 31, 2017 7:55 pm
    i can't believe you are being are probably a troll and if you aren't i hope you choke you fucking homophobealso "h*mosexual" is a slur just fucking use "gay people" @Anonymous

    I meant to use the fucking slur, since you keep on attacking people.

    LessThanThree May 31, 2017 7:56 pm
    I meant to use the fucking slur, since you keep on attacking people. @Lol

    If you think he's an ass, call him an ass. Don't start insulting his sexual orientation.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 8:00 pm
    Just because you think it's slur doesn't mean everyone does. In fact, the majority of the community disagrees with you. LessThanThree

    Offensive: "homosexual" (n. or adj.)
    Preferred: "gay" (adj.); "gay man" or "lesbian" (n.); "gay person/people"
    Please use gay or lesbian to describe people attracted to members of the same sex. Because of the clinical history of the word "homosexual," it is aggressively used by anti-gay extremists to suggest that gay people are somehow diseased or psychologically/emotionally disordered – notions discredited by the American Psychological Association and the American Psychiatric Association in the 1970s. Please avoid using "homosexual" except in direct quotes. Please also avoid using "homosexual" as a style variation simply to avoid repeated use of the word "gay." The Associated Press, The New York Times and The Washington Post restrict use of the term "homosexual"


    Lol May 31, 2017 8:01 pm
    If you think he's an ass, call him an ass. Don't start insulting his sexual orientation. LessThanThree

    Spur of the moment, I apologize. He's doing a pretty good job pissing me off, sorry. But the way he's going, he's not gonna garner sympathy from anyone. Gonna fucking cool myself off before I myself bigger "villain".

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 8:04 pm
    I meant to use the fucking slur, since you keep on attacking people. @Lol

    you call me a fucking hateful slur cause i said your stupid comic is poorly written and homophobic. you call me a fucking hateful slur and implied i go through conversion therapy cause i said you liking this stupid comic makes you a homophobe. wow karen

    LessThanThree May 31, 2017 8:09 pm
    Offensive: "homosexual" (n. or adj.)Preferred: "gay" (adj.); "gay man" or "lesbian" (n.); "gay person/people"Please use gay or lesbian to describe people attracted to members of the same sex. Because of the cli... @Anonymous

    And there are plenty people who disagree with you on that. What is and isn't a slur is a constant debate that the world will never come to an agreement upon. This is literally the first time I've ever heard anyone in the community refer to it as a slur, so there are clearly many who disagree. Nevertheless, I'll keep that in mind for future reference.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 8:13 pm
    And there are plenty people who disagree with you on that. What is and isn't a slur is a constant debate that the world will never come to an agreement upon. This is literally the first time I've ever heard any... LessThanThree

    are you yourself gay?