Kurarisa May 31, 2017 4:36 am

Is it wrong to love sangwoo? Huhu ever since i started reading this ive always been fond of sangwoo.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:03 pm
    Okay...? It's good that you know good horror, I get it. Good person. You deserve so much praise clap clap ryosuke

    i only mentioned it because the other person had implied the reason i don't like ks is that i don't like good horror

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:06 pm
    lmao nofiction affects reality. that's why you like certain characters, dislike others, get sad or scared or happy because of a story.your brain reacts to fiction the same way it would to reality.if you refuse ... @Anonymous

    Lmao so you should be responsible enough to let fiction influence you/make an impact on you positively. Like what I said in a comment above lmao

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:10 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! MOI?

    horror, as i said, treats rape, murder and abuse as BAD THINGS. that's the whole premise of horror.
    stories that treat those same subjects lightly are my problem. stories like killing stalking! wow, what a surprise.
    i can make that prediction based on what koogi has said and done so far, which includes TAGGING KS AS BL!!!!! which means the point of ks is sangwoo and bum's "romantic" relationship.
    that's why i hate fangirl culture? and also koogi wrote ks in a way that is supposed to be read and liked the way yall are doing, so she MEANT FOR YALL TO BE LIKE THIS
    it's not some "out of control edgy fangirls". it's the whole fucking fandom.
    and that's koogi's fault for being a gross piece of shit

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:12 pm
    No one's accepting it irl lmao. People enjoy this because it's a weebtoon, a fiction, seperated from reality. It isn't normalized nor is it accepted irl. I have to repeat this, it's a webtoon.if kS can make inf... ryosuke

    god i wish i had that willful ignorance yall have

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:14 pm
    I haven't seen posts of people saying that KS is a "good representation" for gay men. You're misaking it with Yuri on Ice, because there's a shit tons of posts about that. If you're gay, good for you. You don't... @Anonymous

    i'm gay and yuri on ice is homophobic

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:17 pm
    Other people have enough brain cells to not take it personal. This is fiction. It's your responsibility whether you let it influence you in a good way or in a bad way, if you're so adamant to let it affect you ... @Anonymous

    anyone who doesn't take it personal is
    1) not affected by it
    2) afraid to speak up
    3) not aware of how much shit like this affects them

    also: lmao @ all you said

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:19 pm
    i'm gay and yuri on ice is homophobic @Anonymous

    Ok. You're gay, fine. But you're also hateful and I'd bet even people breathing, to you, is homophobic.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:21 pm
    Oh here we have one of the many triggered ones out there that takes things personally. No one said anything about this representing gay rs, it's either just you who thinks that way, or you're in the wrong manga... ryosuke

    a manhwa. about a gay man. tagged as bl.
    you see where i'm going?
    this is SUPPOSED to represent gay men, but of course it doesn't. that wouldn't be interesting enough, right?
    "grown man" i'm a teenager lmao

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:21 pm
    anyone who doesn't take it personal is1) not affected by it2) afraid to speak up3) not aware of how much shit like this affects themalso: lmao @ all you said @Anonymous

    Lmao it's like you didn't even try to comprehend what was written in the comment lmao

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:25 pm
    Ok. You're gay, fine. But you're also hateful and I'd bet even people breathing, to you, is homophobic. @Anonymous

    i love how you want to dismiss the fact that me being gay means i'm affected by homophobia and, therefore, i'm the one who says what is or isn't homophobic.
    and also i love how you think ks and yoi are so good they couldn't possibly be homophobic and i'm just a big meanie

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:26 pm
    Lmao it's like you didn't even try to comprehend what was written in the comment lmao @Anonymous

    Lmao it's like you didn't even try to comprehend what was written in the comment lmao

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:33 pm
    i love how you want to dismiss the fact that me being gay means i'm affected by homophobia and, therefore, i'm the one who says what is or isn't homophobic.and also i love how you think ks and yoi are so good t... @Anonymous

    " ks and yoi are so good they couldn't possibly be homophobic" lol your words, not mine. I wonder when have I even implied that. I'm more affected by your hateful slurs and attacks. You see ks and yoi as homophobic, you're entitled to your opinions. But quit playing victim.

    LessThanThree May 31, 2017 4:38 pm

    *grabs popcorn*

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:41 pm
    *grabs popcorn* LessThanThree

    Want a soda?

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:44 pm
    *grabs popcorn* LessThanThree

    Tonight's show features an angry, hateful gay teen and the "homophobic fangirls"

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:44 pm

    ok guys next chapter is coming soon

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:46 pm
    " ks and yoi are so good they couldn't possibly be homophobic" lol your words, not mine. I wonder when have I even implied that. I'm more affected by your hateful slurs and attacks. You see ks and yoi as homoph... @Anonymous

    i literally said "you think ks and yoi are so good they couldn't possibly be homophobic". key part (you conviniently left out) being "YOU think"
    and you implied that by saying that if i thought ks and yoi are homophobic, i must think everything is. meaning these things aren't, in your opinion, homophobic.
    also, point out where have i used "hateful slurs" lmao
    and i'm not playing victim. i AM a victim.
    how ignorant can you be lmao

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:49 pm

    What is KS? KS is a fiction. What is fiction? Anything but reality.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:56 pm
    What is KS? KS is a fiction. What is fiction? Anything but reality. @Anonymous

    to yall who think fiction doesn't affect reality:

    also google is free and yall are willfully ignorant as hell