Kurarisa May 31, 2017 4:36 am

Is it wrong to love sangwoo? Huhu ever since i started reading this ive always been fond of sangwoo.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 6:53 am

    Yeah it doesn't. I have fallen in love with the cake.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 1:23 pm

    how the fuck can u like him.
    i read this whole fucking thing to see why everyone says it's so good and "revolutionary" and all i saw was shit.
    koogi is a shitty writer and ks is shitty and i wish sangwoo would fucking choke and die.
    alas, that's not what's going to happen because koogi is obviously going to end this mess with sangwoo and bum becoming "murder boyfriends uwu"
    it's fucking ridiculous
    and to think people actually see ks as "good representation" for nd gay men is disgusting
    that's not gay. that's hideous. and if you were as gay as i am you'd know that.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 1:37 pm
    how the fuck can u like him.i read this whole fucking thing to see why everyone says it's so good and "revolutionary" and all i saw was shit.koogi is a shitty writer and ks is shitty and i wish sangwoo would fu... @Anonymous

    If you don't like it that's fine but there's no need to disrespect the author?

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 1:55 pm
    If you don't like it that's fine but there's no need to disrespect the author? @Anonymous

    yeah i'm gonna disrespect a shitty homophobic author who disrespected me as a gay nd man.

    Kurarisa May 31, 2017 2:03 pm
    how the fuck can u like him.i read this whole fucking thing to see why everyone says it's so good and "revolutionary" and all i saw was shit.koogi is a shitty writer and ks is shitty and i wish sangwoo would fu... @Anonymous

    Hmm. It all varys on the persons taste tbh. I myself like twisted stories and this is by far the most interesting one Ive read. Yeah sangwoo is a peace of shit if you look at it an one side but some people (like me) love him. Personally i dont think this is a good representation of gay men but we gotta accept the fact that be it gay or straight people, relationships like this really exist (not to the extent of killing people) take bonnie and clydr for example.

    Kurarisa May 31, 2017 2:04 pm
    Yeah it doesn't. I have fallen in love with the cake. @Anonymous

    Ahhhh!! Me tooo! Tell me if you found something that is somewhat similar as this manhwa okay???

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 2:19 pm
    Hmm. It all varys on the persons taste tbh. I myself like twisted stories and this is by far the most interesting one Ive read. Yeah sangwoo is a peace of shit if you look at it an one side but some people (li... Kurarisa

    i like "twisted" stories myself. horror is my favorite genre.
    but this story is not interesting. it's unoriginal and predictable. from the first chapter i've been able to guess what will happen next. and it's all bullshit.
    sangwoo and bum's relationship is an example of ABUSE which should not be normalized or accepted. this is not a good relationship and NO ONE should have it. it shouldn't exist.
    ks just fetishizes this abuse and makes it something people want (a great example is how you are in love with sangwoo, A SEXIST HOMOPHOBIC SERIAL MURDERER AND RAPIST)

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 2:35 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! MOI?

    i love horror. i hate killing stalking (which isn't even horror. it's just poorly written gay porn by and for women with some shitty gore here and there to seem "edgy" and "cool")
    in good horror, you're left disgusted and terrified by the villain. you're supposed to HATE the villain in horror movies.
    maybe you can appreciate them as a well written character, but you're STILL supposed to hate them in the story.
    that doesn't happen with ks. why? because of how koogi writes it, sexualizing sangwoo and bum's relationship and making sangwoo a "dark misunderstood prince" (and the fangirls woobify this ALREADY WOOBIFIED CHARACTER cause "he's just so hot right :3c i just wish sangwoo would kidnap ME! lol xD")
    koogi is doing a shitty job and yall eat this shit right up just cause it has those "sexy sinful gay guys"
    don't tell me i can't appreciate the genre just cause you wouldn't know good horror if it punched you in the face

    uchigainai(*-*) May 31, 2017 3:01 pm
    i like "twisted" stories myself. horror is my favorite genre.but this story is not interesting. it's unoriginal and predictable. from the first chapter i've been able to guess what will happen next. and it's al... @Anonymous

    Man(or not man?) I totally agree with you, i think the story could have been good but it has been too much, like i don't know if there's limits to how a story can be twisted and i don't even know if the author is planning to make it worse than it already is
    But look, i've been noticing that recently good yaoi with really good plot are rare, i can even say there have no intereting new manga that has kept my attention it was always the same boring cliché all my favorites manga have really slow updates so i'm srsly bored right's my opinion but i guess a lot of fellow fujoshi might acually feel the same too, searching for smthing that is definitly difderent. So a lot are running here, knowing that Sangwoo is also the first serial killer psycho character in the yaoi genre, so it's perfectly normal if he has a great impact.
    Even so, i still can't just accept it, This manwa has really bad influences in our mind, to the point that now you're fangirling over a f*cking killer narcisist rapist? Are you serious? Like, this guy might actually be raping little kids, you will still "be fond of him?" (Sorry this second part is for the sangwoo Fangirls)
    Really. You can appreciate a good horror twisted story, if you say this story is good but don't take it too far, this is no joke anymore.

    ryosuke May 31, 2017 3:13 pm
    i love horror. i hate killing stalking (which isn't even horror. it's just poorly written gay porn by and for women with some shitty gore here and there to seem "edgy" and "cool")in good horror, you're left dis... @Anonymous

    Okay...? It's good that you know good horror, I get it. Good person. You deserve so much praise clap clap

    ryosuke May 31, 2017 3:24 pm
    i like "twisted" stories myself. horror is my favorite genre.but this story is not interesting. it's unoriginal and predictable. from the first chapter i've been able to guess what will happen next. and it's al... @Anonymous

    No one's accepting it irl lmao. People enjoy this because it's a weebtoon, a fiction, seperated from reality. It isn't normalized nor is it accepted irl. I have to repeat this, it's a webtoon.if kS can make influence someone to fetish over abuse irl, then they shouldn't be here bc they're probably like 12. An adult, at least those right in their minds can separate fiction and reality, geez how many times have people like you argued about and still fail to understand that this is a god damn weebtoon and most of us here know what's right or wrong. We adore the character's design, not his personality or mindset you dumbfuck. Saying that we're in love romantically with Sangwoo is like falling in love with a fictional character for real and actually wanting to have a real relationship with it. If you can't handle this, either stop reading this or go see a counsellor and ask 'how to separate the internet and reality', also check your sanity in case KS influenced you to actually develop Sangwoo's mindset you goddamn person who can't understand something as simple as this.

    ryosuke May 31, 2017 3:28 pm
    No one's accepting it irl lmao. People enjoy this because it's a weebtoon, a fiction, seperated from reality. It isn't normalized nor is it accepted irl. I have to repeat this, it's a webtoon.if kS can make inf... ryosuke

    Webtoon* and those mistakes i made omfg i couldnt remember what i was typing but you probably at least understand the context.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 3:30 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! MOI?

    i hate ks fangirls, i hate ks itself and i hate koogi.
    and yeah i took it personal. as a gay man, i always take is personal when someone is fetishizing other gay men and their abuse. as a nd person, i always take it personal when someone is misrepresenting mental illnesses and turning them into scary things that make people bad.
    gore isn't the problem with me. my problem is that koogi can't do it and the gore in ks ends up just being bland and shitty.
    and for your examples:
    1) haven't watched it yet
    2) it was predictable and uninteresting
    3) the first ring movie is charmingly eerie, but not that special. also, i don't remember it having that many jumpscares (which i find good, because jumpscares are just a cheap way to cause fear and relying on them means the movie isn't really scary)
    4) so boring i almost slept through it and didn't scare me at all.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 3:41 pm
    how the fuck can u like him.i read this whole fucking thing to see why everyone says it's so good and "revolutionary" and all i saw was shit.koogi is a shitty writer and ks is shitty and i wish sangwoo would fu... @Anonymous

    I haven't seen posts of people saying that KS is a "good representation" for gay men. You're misaking it with Yuri on Ice, because there's a shit tons of posts about that. If you're gay, good for you. You don't like this webtoon, fine. But go post your hate and discrimination somewhere else. Or just don't post ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 3:48 pm
    i hate ks fangirls, i hate ks itself and i hate koogi.and yeah i took it personal. as a gay man, i always take is personal when someone is fetishizing other gay men and their abuse. as a nd person, i always tak... @Anonymous

    Other people have enough brain cells to not take it personal. This is fiction. It's your responsibility whether you let it influence you in a good way or in a bad way, if you're so adamant to let it affect you personally. I'mma give you the benefit of the doubt that you are smart.

    Plus, as far as the story goes, there was no canonical mention of any mental illness. Except BPD, which Koogi had later on confirmed that the character does not have BPD.

    ryosuke May 31, 2017 3:52 pm
    i hate ks fangirls, i hate ks itself and i hate koogi.and yeah i took it personal. as a gay man, i always take is personal when someone is fetishizing other gay men and their abuse. as a nd person, i always tak... @Anonymous

    Oh here we have one of the many triggered ones out there that takes things personally. No one said anything about this representing gay rs, it's either just you who thinks that way, or you're in the wrong manga man. You know good horror movies that are original and unpredictable? Good for you! You deserve an award, grown man. Most horror movies are predictable. Interesting, maybe, but predictable. If you can't predict it, you eirher haven't watched much of it or you're just plain clueless.

    ryosuke May 31, 2017 3:55 pm
    i hate ks fangirls, i hate ks itself and i hate koogi.and yeah i took it personal. as a gay man, i always take is personal when someone is fetishizing other gay men and their abuse. as a nd person, i always tak... @Anonymous

    One of the many reasons the world is full of ahit is people like you who gets triggered by literally everyrhing. Someone can literally be only breathing and you will somehow get offended by it and make a big thing out of it.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 3:55 pm
    Man(or not man?) I totally agree with you, i think the story could have been good but it has been too much, like i don't know if there's limits to how a story can be twisted and i don't even know if the author ... uchigainai(*-*)

    That's because there's a line seperating fantasy from reality. People can enjoy fiction and not support or agree with what the character is, does or believes in in the story.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 3:56 pm
    Man(or not man?) I totally agree with you, i think the story could have been good but it has been too much, like i don't know if there's limits to how a story can be twisted and i don't even know if the author ... uchigainai(*-*)

    i'm a man lmao.
    (and also from here on my reply gets pretty aggressive. just a warning)
    in my opinion, the story was bad from the start. the premise of a stalker getting caught and kidnapped by their victim was interesting, but fucking terribly executed.
    the limit to any story is real life, meaning it should NEVER affect real people negatively (and i don't mean in a "this is so sad it made me cry" way. i mean it in a "this perpetrates and normalizes abuse and prejudice" way).
    and take my word for it, it's just going to get worse. koogi seems to be making the story up as she goes, so there are already many plot holes that will just multiply. in the end what will happen is a lot of gross sex, some more murders and sangwoo and bum will become "murder boyfriends uwu"
    recently? are you sure? because, for me, yaoi has always been a shitfest with some good things here and there. there is an issue inherent to yaoi which is the fetishization of gay men by straight (and other male attracted) women. there are very few yaoi by actual gay men and they end up not getting recognized (or even published!) because their stories are "not sexy or interesting enough" (aka realistic representations of gay men that don't really please women because they are aimed to, shocker, gay men)
    also, sorry to burst your bubble, but fujoshis are gross and even the term is wildly homophobic ("rotten girl" because you like manga involving gay men, implying gay men are disgusting and no one should like them)
    also, ks is not the first in anything. everything in it has already been done a million times before.
    why don't you try good stories that don't involve, i don't know, the homophobic fetishization of gay men (and gay men being abused)? just a thought.
    that's what i've been saying from the start. there's a reason why so many people like sangwoo and it's that KOOGI WRITES HIM AS LIKEABLE.
    (idk what you meant by that last paragraph so i'm guessing that's the part for sangwoo fangirls lol)

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 4:01 pm
    That's because there's a line seperating fantasy from reality. People can enjoy fiction and not support or agree with what the character is, does or believes in in the story. @Anonymous

    lmao no
    fiction affects reality. that's why you like certain characters, dislike others, get sad or scared or happy because of a story.
    your brain reacts to fiction the same way it would to reality.
    if you refuse to acknowledge the impact fiction has on the real lives of real people, you're a shitty ignorant person