Mameiha May 31, 2017 3:16 am

That was so fucking hot! .... Sorry, had to change my panties. As I was saying, Fujisaki Sensei has an incredible way of spurring my imagination with her drawing. It's as if there is movement to the stills. When I recall it in my mind, it's like watching a video. Sensei has a hard time with proportion at a distance and she has even drawn a dick backwards, but there is no other mangaka that depicts raw lust as well as she does.

    Ariez August 20, 2017 5:35 am

    lmao this comment made me laugh. wheres the backwards dick?

    Mameiha August 20, 2017 6:22 am
    lmao this comment made me laugh. wheres the backwards dick? Ariez

    Bottom of the page. The frenulum should be facing the floor, not the towel... unless he is standing on his head. LOL

    Kuroro September 24, 2017 7:24 pm

    You understand too ヾ(☆▽☆)
    the body proportions kinda bug me sometimes, but there's just something with the way this sensei writes her manga that makes them so hot and sexy, it's almost too much to handle lol. Much better than some mangaka. Also I cracked myself there "backwards dick" lool ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Peach December 1, 2019 11:48 pm
    Bottom of the page. The frenulum should be facing the floor, not the towel... unless he is standing on his head. LOL Mameiha

    Um you do know that the dick can be like that if he is turned on?

    Mameiha December 2, 2019 4:09 am
    Um you do know that the dick can be like that if he is turned on? Peach

    My love, I have seen hundreds of dicks as a woman and thousands as a nurse. And no, at no time will the frenulum twist around to face the man's body when he is aroused. Perhaps if he has had some terrible, high speed masturbation incident with his Hoover, but not just by being aroused. BTW, the frenulum is the little seam of skin that attaches the foreskin to the penis. It is always obvious in a circumcised man and can be seen clearly in those men who are uncircumcised when they are erect. And it is ALWAYS, always found on the anterior face of the penis, or the surface of the penis facing away from the man's body, and it creates an upside-down "V" in the glans. Even the hood of a female's clitoris is attached on the anterior surface of the clitoris. Just like the foreskin of the penis because, basically, we all start out, in utero, as female. At about 8 to 12 weeks, testosterone is introduced to the fetus with a Y chromosome and the clitoris elongates into a penis, the vulva thin to become a scrotum and the ovaries drop into the lover pelvic region to become testicles. We are all, generally, built the same with the same things in the same places.

    If that has not convinced you that I know what I'm talking about, then Google "the anatomical parts of the penis" for yourself. You will see that the frenulum is always located in the same place. On the "front" of the penis, or the part that faces away from the man's body. To clarify: My comment about a "backwards penis" has nothing to do with curve or angle, since every man's curve is as individual as the man himself. My comments are made regarding the position of the frenulum. And it is ALWAYS in the same place. However, Fujisaki-sensei has drawn the frenulum facing the character's abdomen rather than facing away from it.

    Peach December 2, 2019 7:51 am
    My love, I have seen hundreds of dicks as a woman and thousands as a nurse. And no, at no time will the frenulum twist around to face the man's body when he is aroused. Perhaps if he has had some terrible, high... Mameiha

    Sorry but I see nothing wrong with it..

    Mameiha December 2, 2019 9:16 am
    Sorry but I see nothing wrong with it.. Peach

    I don't mean to insult or be rude in any way when I say this, but have you seen many penises? Outside of yaoi, I mean. Like, real penises in videos, photgraphs or real life? I guess a better question might be... are you a girl or a boy? Because to a boy, looking only at his own penis, this picture and its perspective would look right. Looking down their chest at their own penis, the frenulum is facing up (if they are laying down) or out (if they are standing). But from the perspective of a person looking at the penis of someone else (not their own) this picture is upside-down. Do you see how the glans, or head of the penis is kind of arrowhead shaped? And the point of the arrow is on the bottom? Well, when a person looks at the penis of someone else, that point of the arrowhead should be at the top, pointing to their abdomen. With the part of the arrowhead where the shaft of the arrow attaches would be on the bottom. However, if you are looking down at your own penis, these positions are reversed. The point would be at the bottom and the V where the arrow attaches would be at the top. So, from one perspective, you are right and the penis is right side up. But since this particular frame is meant to be from the perspective of someone looking at another person's penis and not the character looking down at his own penis, this particular picture of a penis is upside down.

    Peach December 2, 2019 11:02 am
    I don't mean to insult or be rude in any way when I say this, but have you seen many penises? Outside of yaoi, I mean. Like, real penises in videos, photgraphs or real life? I guess a better question might be..... Mameiha

    So this is all because you think Kazuki is looking at his dick? But what if he is not and the mangaka just drew it in a way only we can see it in that angle?