I saw the word Starfighter and I got excited because I thought for half a second that there was a webcomic based off one of my top10 favorite movie The Last Starfighter. And then I realized they arent the same
purpurea noxa, that or transfusion
but one is sexier than the other (purpurea)
Transfusion and obnoxious hiro-kun
ooo you said "webomicS" sooo
(these are all aligned to how much I like them)
Three Whishes (my most favourite rn!!)
A God in the Field
A Matter of Life and Death
( Ill only do 5 to keep it short hehe)
To the people who doesent know, you can all read these webcomics in Tapastic FOR FREE, go check them out, the community, authors and the webcomics are all amazing.
What's your favourite english BL webcomics?