How easy is it to hide who you are and does anyone else do it?

MamaJosei May 30, 2017 10:40 pm

┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Long story short I'm kinda secretly a pervy Fujoshi that loves yaoi yuri and ecchi but I don't want anyone especially my friends/family to know How ( ̄∇ ̄") hard is it to like have this double persona online? And do any of you guys do it too???

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 12:14 am
    Define careless? MamaJosei

    Delete your history always. You never know when someone will use your devices even if they don't ask. The obvious is don't watch ecchi or yaoi in the living room. (Lol) If you buy manga or anime hide your collection. Or if you buy digital put it on a flash drive or something (and don't lose it). Stuff like that. Only read or watch when alone. It's easy simple things but I was careless as hell when I was younger.

    Anonymous May 31, 2017 12:22 am

    I don't care what others think of my preference if they caught me reading. I prefer to be a silent reader, so when I get caught, I either denied or ignore it. However, when my privacy is invaded, i.e they checked my browser and so on then they have breached my trust. Family or close friends, they have lost my trust. For a fucking yaoi.

    MamaJosei May 31, 2017 12:24 am
    Delete your history always. You never know when someone will use your devices even if they don't ask. The obvious is don't watch ecchi or yaoi in the living room. (Lol) If you buy manga or anime hide your colle... @Anonymous

    alright! Ill keep that in mind :D Thanks for the advice!

    MamaJosei May 31, 2017 12:25 am
    I don't care what others think of my preference if they caught me reading. I prefer to be a silent reader, so when I get caught, I either denied or ignore it. However, when my privacy is invaded, i.e they check... @Anonymous

    D: Has that ever happened? (them invading your privacy)

    Kira May 31, 2017 1:48 am

    Once I was reading kuroneko no kareshi and you know it shows everything, its smutty mature well drawn sex and my 5 years old sis come and asked me what that guy was doing to that other guy and I told her nervously he was hitting him on his ass because he was a bad boy and she never asked me about it anymore and I sometimes DUDES WATCH GAY PORN AND MY FATHER AND MOTHER CAN BE LIKE NEAR ME OR WE CAN BE IN THE SAME ROOM.and that's scary but I do it anyway but not often and I'm afraid of getting caught then I'd they know what I read I'm dead.

    But yeah I don't share my hobby with anyone except some stranger who are fujoshis like me on the internet.
    Not my family not my friends not anyone except one friend but she's not that much into it or idk she's hiding it probably not sure but yeah.(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    MamaJosei May 31, 2017 3:01 am
    Once I was reading kuroneko no kareshi and you know it shows everything, its smutty mature well drawn sex and my 5 years old sis come and asked me what that guy was doing to that other guy and I told her nervou... Kira

    ( ̄∇ ̄") Same. Id be done for..

    Babo May 31, 2017 6:48 am
    How do you hide it? (⊙…⊙ ) MamaJosei

    by not reading yaoi out in the open? or not browsing at school? lol besides, i dont tend to make close friends so its easier for me to hide my dark secrets from just normal day to day classmate "friends". who need close human interaction when you have yaoi.

    Someone May 31, 2017 11:54 pm
    I don't care what others think of my preference if they caught me reading. I prefer to be a silent reader, so when I get caught, I either denied or ignore it. However, when my privacy is invaded, i.e they check... @Anonymous

    I would say I have an invasion privacy from my family not like I don't have privacy but I mean anyone in my family just walks into my room, uses my electronics and one time I ordered a cute eraser online and when I got home from school my package with the eraser was opened by my parents and they asked me why I bought the eraser. I want to buy yaoi manga but I can't take chances