Not everyone would be ashamed of a dark or tainted past. People have many reasons for the things they think and do and many feelings surrounding their circumstances. Personally, I have a very tainted past and I don't mind sharing it. Particularly with the people I love and who love me. Why would I hide such important information? My husband knows every person who came and went through my life before meeting him. It's not a competition. You have to be in the same league to compete with someone and my husband knows he is leagues and leagues better than anyone else I ever knew or slept with because I chose him to spend my life with. He didn't "win" any competition, he never had to compete. So, knowing a person's past, especially if you love them and regardless of how painful it may be, is an important part of being a happy, healthy and stable couple. Lying by omission is still lying. And I would rather be honest about my past with my partner than have some psycho ex or loose lipped friend be the one to dump that kind of information on them.
Hmm that was nervewracking in many ways. I'm pissed at Aoi for raping the uke, but I can't really understand why Kishimoto talks so openly about his past (as a prostitute) like it's not a big deal. Any normal person would feel bad about it, and it was so obvious that Aoi didn't wanna listen to it that it was almost painful. I mean, would you really want to know how many partners did your bf have before you, or how your partner "helped them" by having sex with them??? Accepting their past is one thing, but having it shoved at your face all the time would make everyone feel insecure. Not that it justifies the rape, that was also wrong, but damn.