Nopes! Just nopes!

... May 27, 2017 7:44 pm

Sorry but that was just wrong. Why exactly did the mangaka throw in rape like that so casually. To hell with love. That was wrong. And then how the shota goes likes 'when you were raping me you looked so sad.'
Wtf? He looked sad? that makes the rape okay? I HATE it when ukes are so fucking self-respectless.

    guest July 13, 2017 11:16 pm

    It's not real life, dude. It's a manga. If it's not your thing, just close it out and stop reading it. Not every manga in the world is made just for you.

    ... July 14, 2017 7:59 am
    It's not real life, dude. It's a manga. If it's not your thing, just close it out and stop reading it. Not every manga in the world is made just for you. @guest

    For one thing, its not about 'just for me' I have read other mangas with rape. It is a very dominating aspect of yoai for whatever reason. But I am free to form my opinions about specfic mangas. And the 'looked sad while you raped me' group annoys the hell outta me. Maybe its because I prefer character with actual personality and backbone?
    Secondly, comments are there for self expression. If you don't like mine. You are welcome to ignore it. Thats what I do too.

    seiren September 3, 2017 3:53 am
    For one thing, its not about 'just for me' I have read other mangas with rape. It is a very dominating aspect of yoai for whatever reason. But I am free to form my opinions about specfic mangas. And the 'looked... ...

    I agree . If you were feeling sad while raping someone pull out ur fuckin dick and stop! That part annoyed me as hell. Like all that love and bum rape the fuck outta him!and what's more he only realized he loved him after the rape
    .. bitch please.

    ... September 4, 2017 10:08 am
    I agree . If you were feeling sad while raping someone pull out ur fuckin dick and stop! That part annoyed me as hell. Like all that love and bum rape the fuck outta him!and what's more he only realized he love... seiren

    Yes! The love after rape and then the one getting raped feels sad and guilty like 'if I hadn't hurt and pushed him so far...' Like wtaf?

    seiren September 4, 2017 3:00 pm
    Yes! The love after rape and then the one getting raped feels sad and guilty like 'if I hadn't hurt and pushed him so far...' Like wtaf? ...


    Himeowchama July 16, 2018 1:26 am

    Lmao this is every annoying cliche yaoi ever

    ... July 16, 2018 9:52 am
    Lmao this is every annoying cliche yaoi ever Himeowchama

    Sadly true.