Unfortunately, I can relate to Jiwooks inferiority complex to his brother, I used to be th...

Anonymous May 27, 2017 8:02 am

Unfortunately, I can relate to Jiwooks inferiority complex to his brother, I used to be that way with my sister. You feel like all eyes are on them and you're just their shadow and its so damn irratating to feel as though you're never acknowledged. Everyone in this world desires some kind of attention and when it feels like your sibling is constantly stealing the little piece you might get...things do get ugly. Especially when you're close in age, or twins. Of course I'd never wish any harm like that to my sis, so I'm not backing that kind of behavior lol but that strange obessesion of his isn't TOO crazy to me, ya know? I get it. If I remember correctly he did seem to show a tiny bit of remorse for what he did in one of the chapters so maybe he hasn't completely lost it, idk though.

    xShiro May 27, 2017 9:54 am

    sorry for the drama

    I can relate because my sister is really smart only i have problems with my learning (ADHD) and I've always felt different from other people i'm not blaming my adhd i am actually blaming myself. My sister is not only smart but she is a fast learner and she is a fun person she always trys new things i on the other hand i'm not the type to do so she also doesn't mind being hated, she says whats on her mind but i look up to her, really sometimes i feel jealous but that doesn't mean i hate her (she dealt with depression before so i guess she has her own problems too) i love her from the bottom of my heart but i really can't help feeling jealous (SORRY FOR THE DRAMA AGAIN)
    but it is really true, at least in my point of view XD

    Nicole_cyrus2311 May 27, 2017 2:25 pm

    Same here, I have a twin sister who always had better luck than me... Well I don't know if I still have that feeling but it always felt like I was her shadow, a person who would suffer because of her success and luck.