Why do we only get updated notifications once a day? I was curious why we don't just get i...

ultrabeard May 25, 2017 11:20 pm

Why do we only get updated notifications once a day? I was curious why we don't just get it once the manga has updated? That being said, it's kind of cool to get the group of them at midday.

    Night May 26, 2017 1:17 am

    Probably they just have a certain time that they send out all the notifications for updates so that people who usually get a ton at a time don't get spammed? On that note, I always get mine one day late. Does that happen to you too or is it just me?

    ultrabeard May 26, 2017 1:50 am

    Well I get all the notification from that 24 hr period. So, if an update happens at 12.30, I'll have to wait until 12 the next day for the notification.