instead of working hard to become someone better than his hyung all he did was acting like...

Justanothercomment May 25, 2017 5:04 pm

instead of working hard to become someone better than his hyung all he did was acting like a sensitive bitch " oh nobody likes me " " oh my brother is better" and getting into an Emo psychopath phase... fuck him ! Where are their parents this is also their faults for not paying attention to their kids! I don't like him he is too cruel and disgusting, Because of him his brother was raped and committed suicide, his brother seemed to be someone so kind and a good person I don't think he was weak ! I don't give a shit about this new paring I hope they burn in hell.

    Anonymous May 25, 2017 5:31 pm

    here we go again.. someone putting all the blame to the parents..
    my parents showed us equal love.. yet i can't help but feel jealous with my younger bro sometimes..
    it's human nature to feel insecure and to feel jealousy.. so you cant point fingers to the parents..

    i'm sayin.. Jiwook is narrow minded, self-absorbed, spoiled brat.. you can't blame all that to the parents tho they may have been contributed to that..

    gay _penguins May 25, 2017 5:37 pm
    here we go again.. someone putting all the blame to the parents showed us equal love.. yet i can't help but feel jealous with my younger bro sometimes.. it's human nature to feel insecure and to fee... @Anonymous

    well sometimes it is the parents. its human nature to react differently towards more competent people. theres a reason sometimes parents have a "favorite" child

    Anonymous May 25, 2017 6:04 pm
    well sometimes it is the parents. its human nature to react differently towards more competent people. theres a reason sometimes parents have a "favorite" child gay _penguins

    Well that is some complete bullshit

    manganiME May 25, 2017 6:39 pm
    Well that is some complete bullshit @Anonymous

    No, it is not. It's very normal to love your children, but it's also normal to have a favorite if you have many, because not all personalities, behaviors, abilities, charm are the same. Or even circumstance. We all knew who my mother liked best--and why. It was not a bad reason, and we all loved each other, so we just brushed it aside, "You're mom's fave." Mom would deny it, but it was obvious.

    I think because we were ALL of us loved and taken care of, the favoritism wasn't a big deal. Different situation when a parent is really spoiling of one and really ignoring others--unbalanced in a huge way.

    My dad was loved us all about the same. We never noticed an obvious favorite. But mom, yeah. And yet, as long as you're loved and feel it and know it, it's not a big deal.

    And I see it too in other families. It's pretty easy to figure out when a parent has a favorite...and sometimes you can tell why right off and sometimes not.

    That this person blamed his brother--not his fault--rather than the things at fault: he didn't try hard enough or the adults were insensitive or friends were biased--is where the problem is. He is cruel, harsh, and accusatory to the ONE person who gives him the place of preference. His brother is the one who cares, and he's the one he tortures with his insecurity. That makes him evill, in my book.

    It's just to get angry if people are unfair to YOU, but in this case, they didn't mistreat him. They didn't punch him. They didn't abuse him. They didn't refuse to give him the same things as brother--food, clothes, education, spending money, etc. It's simply that they recognized the brother was achieving more. Identical twins can differ, even in IQ, by a 15%. So, really, what he had to do was work HARDER than his brother for recognition, not blame him. Simple as that.

    Justanothercomment May 26, 2017 12:02 am
    here we go again.. someone putting all the blame to the parents showed us equal love.. yet i can't help but feel jealous with my younger bro sometimes.. it's human nature to feel insecure and to fee... @Anonymous

    Feel jealousy is one thing but in his case is called feeling fucked up in the head and he needs some professional help, I didn't put all the blame in the parents read it again , I said it's also the parents fault and that's the truth,is normal to feel jealous in some point of your life but the things he did to his brother is not normal. If you talk with your kid a few minutes everyday and spend time with them you should at least notice that there's something wrong going on, no matter how great actor the kid is , if the parents in the story couldn't see that the younger brother through all his childhood has been feeling like this then...

    manganiME May 26, 2017 2:18 am
    Feel jealousy is one thing but in his case is called feeling fucked up in the head and he needs some professional help, I didn't put all the blame in the parents read it again , I said it's also the parents fa... Justanothercomment

    Wrong. Parents can be talkign to kids for an hour every day and not know what is going on. I see that all the time. Parents who don't realize a kid is cutting cause they hide it with sleeves. Parents who don't realize a kid is suicidal until they find them unconscious. Parents who don't know there's bullying casue kids smile at home and lie and make believe school is fine. Kids who dont' tell parents they got pregnant/had an abortion/got a controlling boyfriend/got raped.

    If you don't think teens are VERY good at hiding stuff, you must never have been a teen with stuff to hide. I know. I was. And my parents NEVER had a clue.