now now let's not be racist shall we

Are you stupid? Did you even read the post properly?

It is definitely common in uae

Overnight is rare but possible if the task is due the next day, reason why it must be at the office is because you can't bring the work home (for example, for designs you can only use the computer with that software with license, or taking data from experiments using the facility) n of course to avoid data leak/loss, it's such a hassle to request to bring out the company's pc. But there's rule for when you do OT more than the office hour which is 8, you gotta take leave after that to rest, at least in my company. Usually my colleagues do OT until late night around 10 when they get too much work at that same time. Well, workload goes up and down severely, i just wish they average it properly so you won't be so free at one time n suddenly so damn busy next. This is just an example in a science-related job in a very conservative japanese company.
I see characters pulling all nighters at work very often in mangas/manhuas. Is it common practice or just fiction??? Is it paid as night hours?
Just wondering 'cause we don't see this in France for example. You might stay late or continue working at home as long as you want but all nighters at work rarely happen. The company would have to pay you too much I guess and it is socially not admited to go this far, at least not as regularly.
How is it in your home country?