Wait I'm confused. Does that mean bada can actually leave the game but Doha knocked him ou...

Fujosheyy March 27, 2025 6:28 pm

Wait I'm confused. Does that mean bada can actually leave the game but Doha knocked him out again so he could join them? And why can't they just ditch everyone? They have bada's bike lmfao

    LotusCrisps March 27, 2025 8:49 pm

    He can't escape cause he's just an npc, meaning he will still be stuck in the game every restart. As for ditching the others, they'll prolly die if they tried to escape with the bike, just like that one time when bada tried to escape through the bridge

    ✨Suujin March 30, 2025 3:31 am

    It's quite the opposite. Bada is just an npc so he can't leave the game. And since Bada's tape was removed, Doha knocked him out to turn him into a player again, so that they can look for a way out of the game together.

    As for why they cant just ditch everyone, I agree with @LotusCrisps that they might just die. You can read chapter 31 for more details. They tried to escape through the tunnel by removing the padlock with a cutter, but the cutter wouldnt work at all. Like there's not even a scratch on the padlock. Bada also tried to cross the bridge but it collapsed