sakamakisexual March 27, 2025 5:54 pm

This is a comment I found super insightful from Reset Scan's website, from user: just_a_passerby. I'm pasting this here because it gave me a lot of perspective that helped me calm down. Do note that in this story, aliens lived in the planet first, not humans.

Please help me bump this comment up by liking or commenting so that more people can see this:


"These guys are not bad. They are making a mistake because of their ignorance on the subject.

They are not trying to abuse or somehow harm our little round Mori, but raise it with the accordance to his physical needs, completely forgetting the physiological aspects. They call him aggressive and extremely violent, as if it is not logical for him to be scared, FOR US. Not for them, they expect him to be rational, while he is too little to be able to express himself better.

When the aliens came back, first thing humans did was to nuke them. Of course they were marked as uncivilised, vulgar beings. Despite that, they created zones where humans could live without being eaten by other uncivilised species. It was even said, that they prioritise their happiness (which they don’t know how to achieve, therefore believe it is better for him to live with other humans). They just think too emotionless, lacking empathy, not accounting to him being scared.

It is also possible that when he was captured at the begging, they were rescuing him, but little Morí was too scared at the time, that he became traumatised of lights. His trauma might just be an accident.

It is bad what they are doing to our little Morí, but they are feeding him, gave him a shelter, they think is secure. They are trying to take care of him, they just don’t know how to.
So stop the hate on all of the aliens, they genuinely do not want to hurt him."

    Rodtv March 28, 2025 12:25 am

    Thank u for sharing! That’s a great insight for explaining the differences of how each being act. They are mean well but only do so much

    minteeeef March 28, 2025 2:37 am

    what ive been thinking as well! they couldn't understand why mori was barely eating but they tried to find a solution to that by tube-feeding him. they didnt leave him there to starve. they didnt kill/get rid of him even when he was being hostile. when mori started crying while calling for miria, the alien in charge of guarding him tried to cheer him up by telling him "it's okay, it's okay calm down" before sedating him. i dont think the aliens in this story are intentionally evil, they just dont understand humans completely, even tho they mean well and treat humans as a group of creatures that need protection. even the orphanage where mori was taken to after getting rescued in ch 1 seemed to be a healthy environment. that orphanage isnt like anakt garden in alien stage where the children lived in a fake garden. there doesnt seem to be any kind of restriction imposed on human relationships too, with the way mori's friend in the earlier chapters was able to easily reunite with her mom

    sakamakisexual March 28, 2025 6:01 am
    what ive been thinking as well! they couldn't understand why mori was barely eating but they tried to find a solution to that by tube-feeding him. they didnt leave him there to starve. they didnt kill/get rid o... minteeeef

    Yes! And the fact that he was there in the first place is because they thought he was being abused. Misguided as it may be, that shows that they have some sort of understanding of what's good and what's bad, and they wanted to protect the child from what they consider bad. But as we know, their judgement is off mark but again they didn't know better. And honestly, due to how connected Miria is to the Judge, I have a feeling that Mori is going to be the key person that will help them understand humans better and eventually coexist with them.

    sakamakisexual March 28, 2025 6:02 am
    Thank u for sharing! That’s a great insight for explaining the differences of how each being act. They are mean well but only do so much Rodtv

    No problem! And yeah, their judgement is off mark but if we really think about it, it came from a good place. Not the right place, but a good place.

    baby March 29, 2025 5:38 pm

    this is true! i know they meant well when the alien caring for mori panicked when mori cried and immediately sedated him while saying “it’s okay it’s okay”. they don’t really understand how to comfort a child properly. but i’m still angry.