This is why I constantly say "literacy is dead."
Ya'll see Woo-yeol say he forgives Daewoo and that Daewoo doesn't regret his actions and IMMEDIATELY think they are referring to the one rape scene and not the conversation about him murdering people for selfish reasons that they currently had IN THIS CHAPTER. Woo-yeol DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THAT DAEWOO RAPED THE DEVIL SO WHY TF WOULD YOU THINK HE WOULD BE TALKING ABOUT THAT NOW??
Daewoo tried to fucking kill him so Seong-ah could replace Woo-yeol. He's also killed many other people whether for that same reason or not. THAT'S WHAT THE CONVERSATION IS ABOUT THIS CHAPTER. The only people who know are the morally bankrupt devil CEO, devil who works for the murder company and the man who murders people for headpats from the devil who made him. No one else.
Hope this helps clear it up for those of ya'll who can't seem to fucking read.
Also, cut it out with the "why is rape so normalized in these countries" when the literal start of yaoi/BL was by women who had been abused and oppressed by men for centuries and that still currently are. There are so many massive cases of women being sex trafficked by men in Korea and ya'll seem to think fictional rape is worse somehow.
Anyways, I'm gonna stop here 'cause I'm now realizing there is lil to no point explaining this to people with IQs that match their shoe sizes.

I wouldn't say it's capitalism per se but sure we'll go with that lol
It's probably not the same as on earth. It's more like a role than it is a job like working as a cashier or something. The doppelganger replacement company and the angel company that picks the humans to kill and replace serve more as a means to minimize "evil" in the world. It's supposed to be important or something like that, but it's such a flawed system that there's no room for circumstantial situations.
Like, with Woo-yeol who was also a victim of his father, but just 'cause he couldn't bring himself to call the police on him they slated him for replacement. They used severely flawed tests that are even considered unethical in real life to determine whether someone was evil or not.
But yeah lol
Daewoo is saying that he doesn't regret MURDERING PEOPLE FOR HIS OWN SELFISH REASONS, you blithering neanderthals.
Nowhere in this chapter do they bring up the incident between Daewoo and the devil. They are specifically talking about how the OG Daewoo was a PoS and how the current one isn't really any better 'cause he doesn't think twice about taking lives, even if they are supposed friends. He was even planning on killing Woo-yeol at some point 'cause it meant that the devil's replacement job was successful.
Also, Woo-yeol is saying he forgives him for trying to kill him 'cause now, even if it's for his own personal gain, he's trying to help Seong-ah and Woo-yeol stay together.
Also, ya'll can hate him for raping the devil all you want, but the reason why it was "swept under the rug" IS 'CAUSE THEY ARE DEVILS DEALING IN THE BUSINESS OF KILLING PEOPLE. And we've seen that it doesn't matter if the person was intentionally "evil" or not. Woo-yeol was a victim of his father just as much as those kids, but since he never did anything to stop him the angels tagged him for replacement. It's shown that ultimately their system is morally bankrupt 'cause it doesn't take everything into account. The newbie angel even points out how wrong it is to judge Woo-yeol based on the dream simulations they put him through.
They themselves are not entirely free of evil 'cause their own business ultimately throws away lives based on theories and tests that are deemed unconstitutional and bankrupt even in real life. It's not that they don't care about Daewoo's actions, it's that ultimately they are demons/devils and morally bankrupt, lazy angels. They've done worse by their own standards even if it's supposedly a "righteous" job.