
Oh now I get it. I didnt understand at first why sooyoung was mad when he was the one who was 'using' taesung to 'punish' himself. But now that u said that, i get it now.
Lol i think i didnt undersfand it first because im like taesung in a way that i avoid fights and confrontations and just letting it pass as if it didnt happen. Oof
I'm with Soo Young here. I'd be mad too. If I did something wrong, I want my partner to tell me about it. Whether I made them feel uncomfortable, if I became inconsiderate, made them remember a fear/bad memory, anything. I'd honestly want to fight about it than avoid each other then letting it pass. If it's something that can be fixed & talked about, distancing & breaking up should neber be an option. I don't want my partner thinking that I'd be ok if we ended.