Why is Human Scum #1

cotton March 27, 2025 5:17 am

Its obv an incel’s rape fantasy who holds such hatred for women as shown by the hitting of women, killing of women, sa-ing of women, etc

    Jsjuskwms March 27, 2025 5:30 am

    I'm confused what ru talking abt lol?

    FuckedMyWayUpToTheTop March 27, 2025 6:10 am

    Are you talking about the story with the dumbness - inducing parasite lol

    Woman with a mission March 27, 2025 6:13 am

    I will not read this if not idea if there is really in it but what you say does't surprise me. These filthy rats are lacking human contact, and instead of questioning themselves, they take their hatred out on women. Of course they're going to masturbate to this. It disgusts me.

    cotton March 27, 2025 6:21 am
    Are you talking about the story with the dumbness - inducing parasite lol FuckedMyWayUpToTheTop

    Nah its a different one but theyre all basically the same (all porn thats basically rape and zero plot)

    moune March 27, 2025 7:54 am

    I just saw what you were talking about on the featured page. I'm not sure what standards Mangago follows to assess what gets featured but if it's engagement (comments, ratings...) then we should just collectively decide to boycott these stories or at the very least avoid commenting or adding them to lists. Maybe the reason they're getting popular is all the hate comments people leave? I'm honestly tired of seeing those stories on my feed. You can tell the content just from the cover most of the time.