YOU FREAKING DESERVED IT BRO SYBAU SHE SUFFERED CUZ OF UR COWARDINESS SO SHUT UPPPP atp idec about the age gap but this man is realllly pissing me off ofc she wouldn’t love u back when u legit ran away while she was scared for her life with the debt collectors and everything and the only person that help her through and comforted her was doyeon like JINJU CMON DIVORCE HIS A$$ ALREADY, BEGGING ATP
YOU FREAKING DESERVED IT BRO SYBAU SHE SUFFERED CUZ OF UR COWARDINESS SO SHUT UPPPP atp idec about the age gap but this man is realllly pissing me off ofc she wouldn’t love u back when u legit ran away while she was scared for her life with the debt collectors and everything and the only person that help her through and comforted her was doyeon like JINJU CMON DIVORCE HIS A$$ ALREADY, BEGGING ATP