Sick of her

Krissy March 27, 2025 12:19 am

I want her to put in a request to transfer so bad. Like I’m so tired of her. I don’t remember the last time a FL has got on my nerves this much, but she ANNOYS ME!! I want him to try and date someone else! Why can’t we have a 2nd FLs the way we have 2nd MLs. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Kawaii chan March 27, 2025 4:37 am

    Exactly , she haven't even clearly said no to him. I got it girl you love his attention but make it clear to him and to us what exactly you want?

    Idkman March 27, 2025 5:09 am

    ngl i think adding a second FL would just be adding pointless drama and just result in a disposable character. it's obvious the feelings are mutual; the FL is just in denial/having a dilema over the ethics of dating her employer... being in her position isn't easy

    marzzz March 27, 2025 5:46 am
    ngl i think adding a second FL would just be adding pointless drama and just result in a disposable character. it's obvious the feelings are mutual; the FL is just in denial/having a dilema over the ethics of d... Idkman

    100% anyone saying she's annoying or unrealistic like cannot imagine what it's like to build your career up from the ground like she did and this is realistic. a real person in her position would either have folded right at the start and ended up fired or be just like her and need to know with absolute certainty that this isn't just a fling to him and that she isn't going to end up in the center of an HR scandal. i totally think she's relatable and responsible. even i would have probably folded by now

    Kawaii chan March 27, 2025 10:34 am

    Don't you think story would've been more interesting if she was vocal about her confusion to tae. She's creating mess and not to mention don't how to come over it. If we had 2nd FL that would've given us some clarity of her feelings. At this point we don't even know if she really is intrested in him or just got swayed by action.

    Idkman March 27, 2025 11:46 pm
    Don't you think story would've been more interesting if she was vocal about her confusion to tae. She's creating mess and not to mention don't how to come over it. If we had 2nd FL that would've given us some c... Kawaii chan

    IMO it's obvious that she likes him and is just in denial, though depending on how the author went about introducing a 2nd FL it could be interesting!

    i personally just don't like it when side romantic interests are introduced solely for the purpose of the FL or ML to realize that they actually DO like each other, because then the side character is discarded immediately afterwards.. cuz its like might as well have just not introduced the character at all !! but again, this is just my opinion :)

    Idkman March 27, 2025 11:49 pm
    100% anyone saying she's annoying or unrealistic like cannot imagine what it's like to build your career up from the ground like she did and this is realistic. a real person in her position would either have fo... marzzz

    right !! like it puts her at a serious risk of losing her job if she were to indulge in her feelings towards him, because imagine if the ML was the type of person to take out his personal feelings on their work relationship, or if she were to be shunned out of her workplace for dating her boss. so much could happen

    i enjoy her personality and enjoy how realisitc she is too <3 imo she's very well written and its clear what her motivations are outside of the ML

    marzzz March 28, 2025 7:06 pm
    right !! like it puts her at a serious risk of losing her job if she were to indulge in her feelings towards him, because imagine if the ML was the type of person to take out his personal feelings on their work... Idkman

    i mean he clearly is. he's tried to kiss her at work. he's not the most mature person around. she's been working with him for years soy it's not like we can base the entirety of her opinion on him on when this webtoon started. she's going to choose him. but he has to make her feel secure enough to do so. people blaming her don't understand how real relationships work. like genuinely. want her to risk everything she's built just cause he's rich and hot is literally the opposite of the point

    Krissy March 28, 2025 9:46 pm
    i mean he clearly is. he's tried to kiss her at work. he's not the most mature person around. she's been working with him for years soy it's not like we can base the entirety of her opinion on him on when this ... marzzz

    Pretty sure she worked with his brother for years, not him. Pretty sure they transferred her over to him to help motivate him to not quit.

    Krissy March 28, 2025 9:51 pm
    Pretty sure she worked with his brother for years, not him. Pretty sure they transferred her over to him to help motivate him to not quit. Krissy

    Ughhh just thinking about the beginning of this story annoys me even more. He’s shown so much growth while she’s stalemated. This might be the first time I’ve read a story where the author clearly favored the ml more than the fl.

    Krissy March 28, 2025 9:56 pm

    And you guys are talking about “realistic” Lmaoo REALISTICALLY NO WOMAN WOULD HAVE ACCEPTED BEING DEMOTED!!!!!! WHO really gives af that your spoiled kid is depressed and no longer wants to work. Couldn’t be me!