Listen babe. Sever ties with this nasty ass fam, let Bom-bae keep you at home for a couple of weeks for a nice early honeymoon, and apply for jobs elsewhere, as you are already more than qualified and accomplished to do. This man, this insane lunatic, wants to keep you tethered to him for the rest of his life. I literally don’t even think his death would stop his nonsensical attachment to you. This man is a masochist that gets off from your constant rejections. Legitimately concerned that threats are gonna start being used as forms of blackmail to get you to submit to him.
Listen babe. Sever ties with this nasty ass fam, let Bom-bae keep you at home for a couple of weeks for a nice early honeymoon, and apply for jobs elsewhere, as you are already more than qualified and accomplished to do. This man, this insane lunatic, wants to keep you tethered to him for the rest of his life. I literally don’t even think his death would stop his nonsensical attachment to you. This man is a masochist that gets off from your constant rejections. Legitimately concerned that threats are gonna start being used as forms of blackmail to get you to submit to him.