"Becayse tere's a clear reason chang-geon came to obsess over sam-myeong" so something did happen when they were kids!!!! We know he's obsessed with his hyungnim because he was the only good thing in his life growing up, but after that comment he made once about dam-myeong having "all his firsts" I though something might've happened when they were younger that could've been innocent (or just careless) of sam-myeong to do that pushed the (little) king over the line from platonic affection to love and obsession
"Becayse tere's a clear reason chang-geon came to obsess over sam-myeong" so something did happen when they were kids!!!! We know he's obsessed with his hyungnim because he was the only good thing in his life growing up, but after that comment he made once about dam-myeong having "all his firsts" I though something might've happened when they were younger that could've been innocent (or just careless) of sam-myeong to do that pushed the (little) king over the line from platonic affection to love and obsession