
chocobuun March 26, 2025 6:04 am

As someone who constantly watches gaming youtubers and streamers, it is pretty funny that majority of the readers here know nothing about gaming and the norm lol. To those who don’t play or watch gaming, they think it’s crazy to be on call with the opposite gender for hours. When irl, it is the norm. Conversing with a friend no matter if it’s the opposite gender while gaming is normal for gamers.

It’s just so annoying for specific shoujo readers to rage at the slightest thing the ML does that makes them upset and considers it a red flag. The reason I bring up some shoujo readers is typically those who only read shoujo praise green flag flawless MLs and go insane and nitpick at any flaw or wrong the ML does. Yamada has been the most mature during their entire relationship to the point I think people forget he’s younger and this is his very first relationship. He has no experience and never was interested in dating or girls before akane. He will not know the norm of a relationship because he has never even cared about the topic before meeting akane. He doesn’t have any close girl friends to get advice or speak about such things.

Yamada has an important competition for a game, the reason why he’s even gaming with the other girl is because she’s his competitor. He’s trying to learn the most he can so he can beat her. Playing with your competitor can help you learn things such as their play style and other tips they have to get better. It’s no different than watching your opponent to find out their weaknesses. He hardly even speaks more than a few words when talking to her and is mostly listening while gaming. He is unaware that talking on the phone while gaming with the opposite gender is odd for some because that IS the norm in gaming. All his friends also didn’t think it was odd because they all regard the girl like a man.
People say that he should be more aware and that he’s insensitive due to akane being cheated on before. He’s always been trying to resolve anything akane has a problem with, he’s quick to cut off a friend for her during that time when he started college. He is not perfect. This is his first relationship. He will not know every situation that may cause a misunderstanding. (This part isn’t towards akane as I am not blaming her, this is more for readers who have this mindset): I get being considerate towards a partner who has been cheated on, but not everyone will or should be on high alert 24/7 due to their partner’s trust issues. You shouldn’t be paranoid and avoid contact with the opposite gender cause of your partners trust issues. That’s not something you should always cater to. That’s something the partner needs to work on. Trust is fundamental in a relationship and just cause you have trust issues from your past relationship, you shouldn’t make your partner feel the need to be paranoid to make you feel better. That kind of relationship will become exhausting. Just imagine a man got cheated on in his past relationship, getting mad at you for interacting with guy friends, you’d be fed up at some point.

    chocobuun March 26, 2025 6:09 am

    Anyways I’m mainly irritated at a specific group of readers. Those who rage and can’t accept when a ML upsets the FL or isn’t flawless and is considered a red flag cause he does something they don’t like. There’s MLs out there that full-on cause huge misunderstandings, have ACTUAL red flags like the dude from Say I Love You. And they’re going crazy at this dude??

    This is why I believe the shoujo community is the most toxic manga genre fandom. The unbelievably high standards and mindset of ML needing to be perfection or he’s scum of the earth is wild. Shoujo readers tend to nitpick more than every other type of reader.