
papermom March 26, 2025 4:41 am

Can someone explain..if octo is not the big one from the start, did he give birth or the monster give birth? Cuz they never explained how octo even found the dr. To imprint on him..

    【18】 March 26, 2025 5:35 am

    Wait— where did u read the part that says Octo is not the big one from the start? I thought Octo was that thing, because Octo can shrink or getting bigger.

    Maro maro March 26, 2025 5:41 am

    It's theorized that Dr. Yu gave birth to octo. It said in one of the mini stories that they didn't tell Dr. Yu how octo was born because he's gonna be shocked.

    papermom March 26, 2025 6:39 am
    Wait— where did u read the part that says Octo is not the big one from the start? I thought Octo was that thing, because Octo can shrink or getting bigger. 【18】

    Ch 16 when they went to the tree monster ML said "unlike that adult monster you encountered before this one is mild(?)" Since octo was with them and spoke about the first adult monster as a separate entity..

    papermom March 26, 2025 6:39 am
    It's theorized that Dr. Yu gave birth to octo. It said in one of the mini stories that they didn't tell Dr. Yu how octo was born because he's gonna be shocked. Maro maro

    Ohhh is the mini stories in the manhwa or in a novel? Thanks for clarification btw!

    Maro maro March 26, 2025 4:01 pm
    Ohhh is the mini stories in the manhwa or in a novel? Thanks for clarification btw! papermom

    Check last page of chapter 17. It says Octo's conception is kept secret to protect Doha's (Dr. Yu) mental health. He's not aware how octo came to be but it's only a theory that it happened when he got caught by the adult tentacle monster.