See? Heonjae is at least trying to be better for myeong-il and respects him. Jingi is just a selfish piece of shit. I hope Heonjae and myeong-il relationship ends in good terms, being lovers, friends or strangers. Just dont end up with Jingi please for the love of god. (/TДT)/
Nah, he’s just awkward asf and doesn’t know how to handle his romantic feelings and is a bit impulsive. He is capable of doing many things and can speak clearly when he’s annoyed abt something like in one of the previous chapters.
See? Heonjae is at least trying to be better for myeong-il and respects him. Jingi is just a selfish piece of shit. I hope Heonjae and myeong-il relationship ends in good terms, being lovers, friends or strangers. Just dont end up with Jingi please for the love of god. (/TДT)/